Monday, July 15, 2013

Texas Senate passes notorious anti-abortion bill

As expected, the Republican-controlled Texas Senate voted to pass the anti-abortion bill that will ban abortion entirely after 20 weeks and close most clinics in the state by requiring them to meet standards for ambulatory surgical centers:
The Senate passed the measure late on Friday by a vote of 19 to 11 in front of a full public gallery while protesters yelled and chanted outside the chamber.
The final day of debate featured state troopers deciding that tampons were political props, not necessary hygiene supplies:
Troopers inspected bags of people streaming into the halls of the capitol. Senate Sergeant-At-Arms Rick DeLeon said no props would be permitted in the gallery, including tampons, perfume bottles, and moisturizers, the AP reported.

Sen. Kirk Watson of Austin, the leader of the legislature?s Democrats, said he stepped in to prevent troopers from confiscating feminine hygiene products from women hoping to view the debate, according to the AP.

Kind of a perfect nutshell of how Texas understood women's place in this debate, no?

The bill surged to national attention when state Sen. Wendy Davis filibustered, delaying a final vote until a special session of the legislature had expired. Gov. Rick Perry was forced to call a second special session, with Republicans moving immediately to the anti-abortion bill to ensure they'd have time to push it through. Perry is sure to sign the bill, and a court challenge is now expected.

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