Friday, November 23, 2012

Gamers pwn young doctors at robotic surgery ? Video Games ...

The next time you have to go under the knife, you might want to ask the doctor if he?s played any good video games lately. According to a new medical study, gamers have are more likely to have the strong hand-eye coordination skills required for robotic surgery than non-gaming medical residents.

Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston took a sample of high school sophomores as well as college students, all of whom said they played video games for multiple hours every day, and then tested their skills in a robotic surgery simulator. The same tests were also given to a sampling of the medical school?s residents.

Their performance was rated across 20 different parameters. Surprisingly (but perhaps not), the high school students ? average age 16 ? had the best average scores. The college students had the second best scores, while the UTMB residents were at the bottom of group.

As if that wasn?t evidence enough, the entire idea for the study was sparked when lead author Dr. Sami Kilic took was with his son, an ?avid gamer,? at a medical convention. Kilic said he was amazed when he saw his son try out a robotic surgery simulator that was on display. He was ?immediately at ease with the technology,? Kilic said.

Robotic surgery is quickly becoming a highly practiced form of medicine. From robotic prostate removal to incredibly precise eye surgery, this emerging form of medical technology is safer, and drastically cuts back on patient recovery time.

It is not that surprising that gamers would be able to grasp the controls and have the precision required for such a task. And in fact, there are actually video games that simulate surgery. So if games can teach people how to drive, why not surgery too?

via Eureka Alert


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