Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Hearing Aid to Combat Damage to the Inner Ear

There are many situations in which the use of a hearing aid is vitally important to an individual. There are plenty of situations in which a person losses his or her ability to hear and has no idea it is happening until it reaches a severe level. For those who want to know what the cause of this type of loss is, it may be due to the damage that occurs to the inner ear. In many people, there is no way to minimize this risk. However, many people can see significant improvement to their ability to hear with a proper device.

What Causes This Damage?

Damage to the inner ear is one of the most common instances in which a hearing aid becomes necessary. The most likely cause of this is aging. As a person gets older, their ability to hear well diminishes. A secondary factor to this is prolonged exposure to loud sounds. In this case, the wear and tear on the hairs in the inner ear, or the damage to the nerve cells that occur, can cause the problem.

There are hairs and nerve cells that send communications from the inner ear to the brain. This is done through the cochlea, a portion of the ear that communicates with the brain. In some situations, these hairs and cells ware down, become damaged or they become missing. When that happens, some sounds are just too difficult to hear.

Most commonly, the higher pitched tones become harder to hear. Rather than hearing them, you hear a muffled sound. Over time, this damage can make it hard for you to pick out specific words that people are saying. This is because the electrical signals that move from the cochlea to the brain no longer occur or they do not transmit efficiently. When this happens, you cannot hear well.

What to Do About It

Damage to the inner ear is not possible to improve. There is no cure to this condition, which is known as sensorineural hearing loss. However, it is possible to improve most types of loss using a special device that can make the sounds around you louder and, therefore, easier for you to hear.

A hearing aid may be a great solution for you. Though it will not fix the problem for good since this condition can gradually worsen even further, it can give you back a lot of the sound limitations you have right now. For many people, this type of device can be life changing for the better. Do not avoid getting treatment in this form if you are suffering from this type of damage.

A Portland, OR hearing aid is your ticket to picking up sounds long since lost. To get fitted at your soonest convenience, speak to the professionals at the following website:


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