Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Debt Counseling Service Company Best Plan to Consolidate Credit ...

consolidate credit cardswww.unitedfinancialrelief.com

Why does Consumer Credit Counseling Service, which offers a debt management plan, have such a dismal success rate of less than 25%? Why has it become so hard for people to qualify for bankruptcy these days? Why do so many people who consolidate credit cards by taking out a home equity loan end up in foreclosure? Why does Debt Settlement seem to have a misplaced prejudice against it?

The Debt Relief Disconnect:
The fact is, ALL of these programs are great options ? it simply depends on an individual?s circumstances. Failure occurs when a certain set of circumstances call for Debt Settlement and a loan to consolidate credit cards is erroneously attempted instead. Or when someone?s situation would benefit from filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, yet they take the route of a debt management plan with credit counseling and falter. Perhaps the worst failure yet belongs to those who need help for their financial struggles, yet choose to ignore the problem in the hopes it will go away on its own.

Why is this? The root of the problem is two fold. First, the consumer struggling with debt may have preconceived misconceptions about the options available to them. They may not have a firm grasp of what financial health looks like or what credit should really be used for. This gives some insight into why they are in over their heads in the first pace, doesn?t it? Second, you have companies who offer just one product regardless of a consumer?s situation. Banks obviously want you to get a Home Equity Loan, while a Consumer Credit Counseling Service believes their debt management plan to be the best solution. A lawyer will preach the benefits of bankruptcy (while in the same breath, requesting their fee up front), and a Debt Settlement company will believe their option to be the best. What?s wrong with this picture? You have consumers who are in desperate need of help, who either don?t know what?s best for them, or have misplaced value in what they think is best for them. Then, you have companies who will do anything to sell people their solution and force people?s circumstances to fit their mold.

A Better Solution: Debt Counseling
What a consumer truly needs when faced with financial struggles is debt counseling, which focuses on the consumer?s situation and not a program a company is intent on offering. They need a company that evaluates the financial hardship, discusses financial goals, and can advise a consumer on what will not only resolve their hardship, but help them achieve their goals.

United Financial Relief: The Better Solution
United Financial Relief is debt counseling company that is an accredited member with the Better Business Bureau. Not only do they have an ?A? rating, but they have never had a single complaint lodged against them since the company opened its doors in 2008. Their programs have helped more than 150,000 clients resolve more than $2 billion of debt. How was this accomplished? They are a consumer debt counseling company with access to any program, service, and debt resolution option a consumer might need. It is not their goal to simply enroll consumers into a one-size-fits-all program, it is their mandate to get a comprehensive image of a client?s hardship, circumstances, and financial goals, and only then offer a customized solution that will deliver these specific results.

Falling into debt wasn?t an overnight process, and getting out of debt isn?t going to be either. If an individual abused their credit in the past, it may take restricting the use of their credit to get them out of debt. If they?ve fallen into a financial hardship, it may require some tough decisions to put them back on stable financial ground.

If you are buried in credit card debt and in need of debt counseling, contact United Financial Relief today by calling 1-888-534-5010 or visiting them online at www.unitedfinancialrelief.com. It?s important to act fast. If you don?t address the problem, there could be life-long financial consequences that can be avoided by a simple phone call.

Source: http://www.nationalnewstoday.com/money-and-investing/debt-management-plan-to-consolidate-credit-cards-with-best-consumer-debt-counseling-service-company.php

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