Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christie vows action on gay marriage (Politico)

TRENTON, N.J. ? New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is promising "very swift action" on gay-marriage legislation he opposes if it makes it to his desk.

The Republican governor opposes same-sex nuptials and has vowed to veto the bill. The bill passed in the state Senate on Monday and is due to go before the Assembly on Thursday.

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At a news conference on Tuesday, Christie virtually guaranteed the Legislature would not muster the votes needed to override his veto. Support from Republican lawmakers would be needed to overturn Christie in the Senate and the Assembly.

Christie accuses Democrats of engaging in political theater by moving a gay-marriage bill through the Legislature knowing he won't sign it. He says hopefully lawmakers will soon be able to "move on" from the issue.

Democrats say they're taking an important step forward for civil rights.


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