Right below?you?ll learn the simple, proven techniques you can use to improve your thyroid function and at the same time? lose weight, improve your energy and mood, and get the slim and slender body you want!
If you?re tired of the weight gain, lack of energy, mood swings, brain fog, depression, and other problems that thyroid issues can cause in your life, you?ll definitely want to take a few minutes to read this very important message?
Have you been diagnosed with an inactive thyroid or low-functioning thyroid? Or maybe you haven?t been "officially" diagnosed with a thyroid disorder but you feel that something?s not right because you?ve been gaining a lot of weight and you JUST don?t feel your usual self?
Does it seem that no matter HOW HARD you try to lose weight?you actually end up GAINING more and more each month? Are you fed up with trying a ton of different fad diets to try and lose weight?
Well, if you answered "Yes" to any or all of the above? then it?s possible you?re suffering from an underactive thyroid.
You see.. an underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism as it?s called, leads to inadequate thyroid hormone production.
And unfortunately? low levels of thyroid hormones can cause all sorts of health problems. Not only that? this low thyroid condition slows your metabolism down to a crawl and can cause you to gain weight.. even if you?re dieting.
Low thyroid production can also make you feel tired, lethargic and moody. It can make you feel like you?re in a sort of ?brain fog?. You easily get irritated, stressed out, and depressed.
It?s no wonder an underactive thyroid can get in the way of being happy, productive, and comfortable.
And believe me; I know exactly how you feel! For years, I?ve been working with clients who are suffering from symptoms like these.
Hi, my name is Louise O?Connor and I?m a leading Australian Naturopath & Wellness Coach. I have become known as ?the natural thyroid expert? both here in Australia and online.
As a Natural Health Educator and Journalist, I write for many natural health websites and leading Australian health magazines. I?ve even been a feature writer for Nature & Health magazine for the last four years. Nature & Health is widely considered the best Australian natural health magazine.
For years I?ve had my own private practice where I treated numerous clients suffering from hypothyroidism. My treatment plan helped them get their health back and lose weight? so they looked better AND felt better as a result!
Because of my experience? I can also help you deal with thyroid issues and weight gain? so you can live a healthier and happier life.
In fact. I?m actually going to give you the same exact step-by-step plan I give my clients. You can use it to improve your thyroid, literally starting in a very short time.
After all, there?s NO doubt you want your thyroid working properly. It determines how healthy, happy, and slender you are.
Not only that, but your thyroid gland controls your body?s metabolism. And the hormones your thyroid produces can directly affect your weight.
When your thyroid doesn?t get the proper nutrients it needs, it slows down production of these vital hormones, causing your metabolism to slow down.
Not only that, but an inactive thyroid condition makes it a lot tougher to lose weight. And it has you feeling tired, exhausted, cranky, and unhappy.
But that?s not all. If your thyroid fails to secrete the adequate amount of hormone, you could also find yourself dealing with any or all of these issues:
Without a doubt, having thyroid problems can be such a pain and burden in your life and can prevent you from doing all the activities you like to do.
The truth is, you don?t have to continue to suffer. I can give you a plan to help support your thyroid so you can start to feel better WHILE you also shed that stubborn weight!
And the good news is, I?ve learned some simple nutrition techniques that can help improve your thyroid function so that it becomes healthy again. When you make these simple changes to your daily eating habits, you?ll see and FEEL results a lot faster.
It?s true? you can be strict with your diet and you STILL won?t lose weight! That?s because reducing your calorie intake slows your metabolism down. Not only that, but your thyroid slows down as well.
And this can actually cause you to GAIN weight. What?s worse? diets make you feel tired, exhausted, and miserable.
But if you follow a healthy eating plan that actually BOOSTS your thyroid activity and SKYROCKETS your metabolism? you can finally lose all the weight you want.
When you learn how to support your thyroid with a healthy, natural thyroid diet? you?ll SEE and FEEL the results in a very short time!
And when you finally break free from those fad diets and you start supporting your thyroid? you?ll finally feel better and lose weight!
This e-book is called "The Natural Thyroid Diet: How to Stop Eating the Foods that Damage your Thyroid!" and it?s designed to boost your thyroid using the RIGHT foods and nutrients so you can FINALLY lose weight.
When your thyroid doesn?t get the nutrition it needs?it becomes exhausted and makes weight loss slow down. But now you can get your health back on track with this natural thyroid diet.
Can you imagine? having more energy to do all the things you like to do? Whether it?s going for a walk, gardening, or playing with the kids? you?ll have more energy to do it all.
Improving your thyroid will help you to lose weight, get your life back, and enjoy all the things you may have missed out on when you were having issues before.
The Natural Thyroid Diet can help you eat right so you get your thyroid back to normal again. And when your thyroid is working better? you?ll have more energy? Read more?

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Source: http://health.olykit.com/2012/the-natural-thyroid-diet-thyroid-gland-help/
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