Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Review: Sleepless Night | Blog of New Orleans

Review: Sleepless Night

Posted by Ken Korman on Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 9:21 AM

Leave it to the French to come up with what may be the smartest and most entertaining American-style action movie of the year. It?s crooked cops versus gangsters versus really crooked cops in Sleepless Night, almost all of which takes place over the course of one long but very fast-paced night within the hellish confines of a crowded Parisian disco. When a police detective?s plan to steal a duffel bag full of cocaine goes terribly wrong, he finds his pre-teen son held hostage by ruthless dealers. Unpredictable twists and turns are the order of the day, and character development rises to a level seldom seen in movies of this ilk. Sleepless Night is far too violent for some viewers, but it?s the kind of rollercoaster ride that leaves you more exhilarated than exhausted. An American remake is already in the works, but really, what are the chances it will compare to the original?

Sleepless Night will be screened precisely one time in New Orleans tonight, Wednesday, August 15, at 7:30 p.m. at the Prytania Theatre as part of the New Orleans French Film Festival.

Tags: Sleepless Night, Prytania Theatre, New Orleans French Film Festival

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Daily Dose Of Dark Chocolate May Help Lower Blood Pressure

Dark chocolate — it's delicious, and it may be good for your blood pressure. Enlarge Janine Lamontagne/

Dark chocolate ? it's delicious, and it may be good for your blood pressure.

Janine Lamontagne/

Dark chocolate ? it's delicious, and it may be good for your blood pressure.

We realize the skinny on chocolate seems too good to be true, but there have been positive signs lately that a bit of the sweet stuff is OK.

A few months back we reported on a study that found a regular chocolate habit ? in moderation, of course ? may be good for the waistline.

Now, there's a new review from the Cochrane Collaboration, a science-based group in the U.K. that analyzes bodies of research to determine the effectiveness of health claims. It finds that compounds in cocoa called flavanols may help to reduce blood pressure.


There are multiple lines of inquiry into flavanols in chocolate. For instance, we've told you about preliminary research that has found the compounds in cocoa can inhibit the activity of a digestive enzyme and block the breakdown of fat.

The new review on blood pressure included 20 studies varying in length from two to 18 weeks. Volunteers in the studies consumed dark chocolate or cocoa powder each day ranging from 3 to 100 grams (a regular-size 1.5-ounce Hershey bar is about 43 grams). And the results? Overall, there were small reductions in blood pressure, averaging 2-3 mm Hg. (Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury.)

This modest decrease is certainly no replacement for medicines in people with high blood pressure. But researcher Karin Ried of the National Institute of Integrative Medicine and the University of Adelaide in Australia says that flavanol-rich cocoa may "complement other treatment options and might contribute to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease."

She says it's hard to recommend an optimal dose of chocolate since there was such a large range in the trials. But she says smaller doses may be as effective as larger ones.

It's been known for a while that flavanols can contribute to the formation of nitric oxide in the body, which has the effect of relaxing blood vessel walls.

And interestingly, meditation and mindfulness practices have been shown to have the same effect ? albeit stronger ? lowering blood pressure by 10 to 30 mm Hg. Of course, physical exercise, too, can produce similar results.

Randall Zusman of Massachusetts General Hospital, who has researched the mindfulness-blood pressure connection, tells The Salt that he is not surprised by this new finding about dark chocolate and blood pressure.

As a physician treating patients with high blood pressure, he says he often finds himself "ruining" their dietary lives by restricting their salt and carbs. "I can sometimes redeem myself by suggesting a little chocolate!"

He recommends chocolate with high cocoa content (70 percent). And, of course, modest amounts.


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Auto bailout cost now upped to $25 billion

By Paul A. Eisenstein, The Detroit Bureau

American taxpayers could wind up losing as much as $25 billion on the 2008 ? 2009 automotive bailout, according to a new report, a figure that has increased by 15% since an earlier forecast, in large part representing the significant downturn in General Motors? stock price.

Beginning with the outgoing Bush Administration in 2008 and continuing once Pres. Barack Obama took office the following year, the U.S. Treasury invested $85 billion to help the domestic industry survive the deep recession ? primarily to fund the post-bankruptcy turnarounds at GM and Chrysler.

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But, in a report sent to Congress, the White House raised to $25.1 billion the amount it said it cannot now expect to recover ? primarily by selling off the remaining 26% stake it still holds in GM.? The previous quarterly estimate was $21.7 billion. On the other hand, the latest figure is about 45% less than the $44 billion the Obama Administration had once predicted.

?The forecast has actually been rising for some months, government analysts last year issuing a projection closer to $15 billion.? And, following the November 2010 GM IPO, there was some hope the Treasury might even break even.? That was based on some industry research, such as one report from influential Deutsche Bank that initially forecast GM shares could eventually top $50 compared to the IPO strike price of $33.

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But, in recent months, automotive shares in general, GM in particular, have been tumbling.? The $25 billion government loss forecast was based on a stock price of $22.20 at the end of May.? During the last month, however, the number has dipped to less than $19 a share, though the stock has since rebounded to $20.61 at midday today.

GM sold off more than half the shares held by American taxpayers during the 2010 IPO but the Treasury is still the maker?s biggest stockholder at 26% ? or 500 million shares.? GM?s stock price would need to jump to $53 for the government to break even.

The bailout, though initially started by the prior administration, has become an issue in the current election.? GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney vociferously opposed the rescue effort in 2008 and ?09 ? but has since claimed that he helped set the framework that helped GM and Chrysler successfully emerge from bankruptcy.

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President Obama has repeatedly defended the bailout, insisting that the long-term cost of allowing GM and Chrysler to go bankrupt would have been significantly more than what the Treasury might ultimately lose on the effort.

A Treasury spokesman, Matt Anderson, continued to defend the bailout this week, insisting, ?The auto industry rescue helped save more than 1 million jobs throughout our nation?s industrial heartland and is expected to cost far less than many had feared during the height of the crisis.?

Even at $25.1 billion, the current forecast is less than the original $44 billion the Obama Administration had projected.? That?s about the same amount as was authorized by the Bush Administration when it approved the first tranche of bailout money.

Chrysler has paid off all the money it received from the Obama Administration but didn?t cover another $1.3 billion granted by Pres. Bush.

Along with GM, the final accounting on the bailout will have to wait until the Treasury sells off the 74% stake it holds in Ally Financial, the lender formerly known as GMAC.? Taxpayers have so far recovered $5.7 billion of the $17.2 billion provided Ally.

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Can You Trust SEO Next? The answer is in Affirmative | Release Press

Article by Kushal1988

Can You Trust SEO Next? The answer is in Affirmative ? Business ? Industrial Mechanical

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is one of the pioneer companies in the SEO market which has inspired many of the other small and medium size companies to make it big in the market. The highly successful track record of the company is envied by many companies that always look forward to defame it so that it cannot get any new clients. The concept of SEO is comparatively new for them and thus they want to take clients from a reputed company which is far better than them in terms of content and delivery method. You must have come across or Seo next scams which tell you wrong things about the company and discourage you from recruiting services from the company. The Seo next bad reviews are nothing but handiwork of rival companies which are trying to mar the reputation of SeoNext, for obvious reasons. . Do you think you should trust these things? Is each things published on the net are good to trust? Absolutely not when you know what can be done by SEO. SEO next is one of the best companies in the field of search engine operation with its presence felt all over that world. The company operates in India, Australia, UK and different states of USA. With that spread of reach and wide experience the company will never deliver anything that is not the best. If you fall for the wrong temptation induced by rival companies and believe the defamation attempt while ignoring the real SEO next reviews then you can face a big loss. Read the real reviews and decide the best.

You must have come across or Seo next scams which tell you wrong things about the company and discourage you from recruiting services from the company. The Seo next bad reviews are nothing but handiwork of rival companies which are trying to mar the reputation of SeoNext, for obvious reasons. . Do you think you should trust these things? Is each things published on the net are good to trust? Absolutely not when you know what can be done by SEO. SEO next is one of the best companies in the field of search engine operation with its presence felt all over that world. The company operates in India, Australia, UK and different states of USA. With that spread of reach and wide experience the company will never deliver anything that is not the best. If you fall for the wrong temptation induced by rival companies and believe the defamation attempt while ignoring the real SEO next reviews then you can face a big loss. Read the real reviews and decide the best.You must have come across or Seo next scams which tell you wrong things about the company and discourage you from recruiting services from the company. The Seo next bad reviews are nothing but handiwork of rival companies which are trying to mar the reputation of SeoNext, for obvious reasons. . Do you think you should trust these things? Is each things published on the net are good to trust? Absolutely not when you know what can be done by SEO. SEO next is one of the best companies in the field of search engine operation with its presence felt all over that world. The company operates in India, Australia, UK and different states of USA. With that spread of reach and wide experience the company will never deliver anything that is not the best. If you fall for the wrong temptation induced by rival companies and believe the defamation attempt while ignoring the real SEO next reviews then you can face a big loss. Read the real reviews and decide the best.You must have come across or Seo next scams which tell you wrong things about the company and discourage you from recruiting services from the company. The Seo next bad reviews are nothing but handiwork of rival companies which are trying to mar the reputation of SeoNext, for obvious reasons. . Do you think you should trust these things? Is each things published on the net are good to trust? Absolutely not when you know what can be done by SEO. SEO next is one of the best companies in the field of search engine operation with its presence felt all over that world. The company operates in India, Australia, UK and different states of USA. With that spread of reach and wide experience the company will never deliver anything that is not the best. If you fall for the wrong temptation induced by rival companies and believe the defamation attempt while ignoring the real SEO next reviews then you can face a big loss. Read the real reviews and decide the best.You must have come across or Seo next scams which tell you wrong things about the company and discourage you from recruiting services from the company. The Seo next bad reviews are nothing but handiwork of rival companies which are trying to mar the reputation of SeoNext, for obvious reasons. . Do you think you should trust these things? Is each things published on the net are good to trust? Absolutely not when you know what can be done by SEO. SEO next is one of the best companies in the field of search engine operation with its presence felt all over that world. The company operates in India, Australia, UK and different states of USA. With that spread of reach and wide experience the company will never deliver anything that is not the best. If you fall for the wrong temptation induced by rival companies and believe the defamation attempt while ignoring the real SEO next reviews then you can face a big loss. Read the real reviews and decide the best.

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Monday, August 13, 2012


Prolong a friendship for as long as possible. Plant the seeds before the tree is ready to grow and shoot.

Why do I say prolong a friendship? I say prolong a friendship for as long as possible because it allows the foundations to be planted deep in the soil. The soil is only rich if the foundations of a relationship is catered for and examined for a long time. What does that mean in plain English? What I am saying is before you jump into a relationship, hoping for the best without preparing for the worse, you need to make sure you understand the person you are going out with. I am not saying understand them perfectly, but fully make sure you and your future partner have similar interests. I have said before that values and beliefs are very important, but if the girl doesn?t like the same food as you or the same kind of movies, you will have problems. You and your partner need to enjoy each others company to the very last second. You need to like the same things as your partner so there is no quarrels or disagreements. Of course sometimes you might need to compramise but if your partner only likes Jazz, and you hate it, there will be problems, regardless of how strong the values you have with one another.

You may have have the same values as your partner, but if the approach isn?t the same or similar then there will be a few problems. You both may believe in success, but what success means for one individual, may not be the same for another. This is very deep stuff because connectivity and similarity in how you and your partner live your lives needs to combine together like half a heart with the other half of a heart. The heart doesn?t work effectively if one heart is purple, and the other is red. It doesn?t matter if they are the same size and diameter.

I have had amazing and less amazing friendships. What I have realised is that friendships last longer than relationships in a very generalised sense. The reason relationships work so well is because two parties realised that before they took the leap of faith, they made sure they wore their helmet and had the right size suit to execute a fantastic dive and smooth landing. If you don?t build a friendship based on foundations and similar interests, you will have a crash landing and it won?t be nice. Take as long as possible to prepare yourself for the jump or leap. It is seriously?worth it. Yes, women will get bored. And yes, men?will get bored if the person is taking so long, but if you wait long enough, someone who is right for you will wait with you and for you. They will stand by you when you fall, and fly with you when you rise.

Sometimes, you and another person may jump into a relationship not knowing much about the other person, only hoping for the best. What I can say from experience is don?t let all the glamour of being in a relationship get into your head. It is hard work, it if fun, but if you don?t prepare yourself or are ready, you will flop. Don?t only look at the positives, but examine the negatives and see whether you can cope with the person.


You should never lower your standards to fit another person. You should never say another woman or man is a standard. Only standard yourself. You should never continue a relationship for the sake of it. You should never try to change a person, only accept. If you cannot accept the person, don?t be in that relationship.

It is majorly important that you ask simple questions towards your partner or friend. Questions like ?Tell me about your morning.? Simple questions are always the best questions because the way a man or woman answers it, can either attract you to them or make you less interested in them. An individual has the ability to approach their story of?their morning, but the way this particular woman or man described it, attracted you to them. May seem trash talk, but believe me, it makes a hell of a difference.

Simplicity is key in any relationship. Being deep is important but if you are simple, there is no need to be deep because everything complex, was once simple.

I never used the word love in this post because love comes when your friendship is exactly what you want it to be. You will know when it hits you. I do not need to explain.


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Snoring may be aggravating not only to the snorers, but to anyone ...

Snoring may be aggravating not only to the snorers, but to everyone who sleeps with them. You will find many available strategies to support snorers deal with snoring, and in many instances, expel it completely. In this essay, there are options of simple to implement recommendations that can help you to lower your snoring.First, attempt to use a Sona anti snore cushion. It is one of the best, easiest, and best methods how exactly to stop or reduce snoring and moderate sleep apnea. It?s helpful, especially if the explanation for snoring could be the wrong position while sleeping. Authorities recommend that the individual should rest on along side it and not on the back. Whenever a person rests on his back, because right airflow is obstructed that he tends to snore. That?s why this pillow has been verified and tested to work because it disciplines the snorer to not sleep on his back.The likely percentage of the pillow inhibits the snorer from lying on his straight back. The either left or right hand should be placed under the cushion. The neck and head ought to be properly situated. Preferably, the jaw ought to be moved forward. In this situation circulation becomes patent. Thus, snoring is paid down or stopped.But why you ought to Sona anti snore pillow and not different brands of anti snore pillow? Here are the reasons:? It is medically accepted and tried. A small grouping of sleep and specialist expert have analyzed and formulated the system of the cushion. ?? It doesn?t only help reduce the snoring issue but the snoring problem is also suggested to help in cases of moderate sleep apnea. Slight sleep apnea may be the absence of breathing for a few seconds. It?s different from snoring, while frequently each goes together. Other health hazards are endorsed by mild sleep apnea. For instance, it stresses the center that will result in high blood pressure and sometimes even swing. ?? It is made for part sleeping. It might be only a little uncomfortable throughout the first few weeks. But the snorer could adjust to it whilst the cushion provides comfort.Other Helpful Tips:You should adjust when you eat if you desire to restrict your snoring. For supper, eat a light supper early at night. You want to have milk products because these kind of foods improve mucus build-up that block your airways and avoid foods that are abundant. Also, an excellent remedy to help you ease your throat right before bedtime is to drink a little bit of tea with honey.To reduce steadily the chances of snoring at night, restrict your consumption of extra food and alcohol for at least three hours before you go to bed. A sizable food or alcohol causes the throat muscles to relax. Both these can cause snoring and should really be avoided to eliminate this problem.As stated earlier, snoring can be irritating and irritating for many. Regrettably, many of these same people don?t realize that there are numerous treatment procedures available to relieve, or eliminate, its unwanted effects and their snoring. Take to the methods you only read to simply help you free yourself from snoring problems.

Visit our site for more information about snoring.


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Affiliate Marketing Can Squeeze More Revenue ... - Web Design ...

Affiliate marketing can be one of the best ways to earn money online, but it won?t make you a profit if you don?t do it right. In this article, you?ll find some of the best affiliate marketing methods available, as well as some new tips to try. Read on if you want to get all you can out of affiliate marketing.

In affiliate marketing, you need to express to your readers that they can trust you. Do not post ads that you do not believe in or have any interest in, they will know. If you appear to be a phony condoning something you don?t believe in, that will drive away your readers and they won?t trust anything you have to say.

To increase the success of your affiliate marketing, search for companies that offer frontend as well as backend commissions. This will allow you to earn multiple commissions from each customer that you refer to the affiliate company?s site, and allow you to make a long term relationship with your affiliate company.

A great way to avoid potential fraud when joining a new affiliate program is to talk to some people who have already joined that particular program. You should ask them how much money they have made and if the affiliate pays on time. They will generally be upfront and could save you a lot of hassle.

Be a specialist. Find something you love and create your website or blog around it. You are not the only person interested in such a thing. Link up to relevant affiliates, from sites you would like to buy from. Doing this will ensure that your customers match your base, and will increase your sales.

Ask your affiliate companies if they?re willing to supply some free product for you to use in a giveaway on your site to promote your partnership. This is excellent for a ?grand opening? type event, when you first start your relationship, as it will draw a large group of viewers and get both your site and the company?s name, into their minds.

Affiliate marketers would do well to utilize sites like Google Optimizer. With this site, you can easily increase your profits as an affiliate by increasing your subscription base. Not every subscriber is going to become a customer for you, but the more subscribers you have, the more likely you are to turn commissions.

A great tip for new affiliate marketers is to make sure you give your site enough time to succeed. Creating a work-free site does not happen overnight, so make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to achieve your goals. Customize your site, add graphics, and do whatever else you can to make your site more successful.

A great tip for affiliate marketers is to implement sound recordings of their products to generate more traffic. With the popularity of iTunes and podcasts, this is a great tool to reach out to your customers and direct them to your site or introduce your products. It is more personable to hear your voice the read your words.

Starting an affiliate marketing business? You will want lots of help and advice. You will find lots of books offering to guide you, but the best way to learn is to search the internet for the best affiliates. Read their blogs and sign up on their sites. You will learn more this way than any book can teach you.

If you?re already running Adsense or something similar, analyze the results. This will help you to see which affiliate marketing to target. For example, if visitors to your health blog click on Adsense ads for vitamins, you could maximize revenue by adding affiliate links for an online retailer that sells those same products, which you already know your visitors are interested in buying.

These tips, hopefully, have given you some helpful ideas in regard to affiliate marketing. Put these into practice! Invest the time necessary to carefully consider any agreements you may make. And, plan for success!

Beside writing articles about Affiliate Revenue, Marlana Haer also writes about Article Marketing Robot Coupon Code? on her sites. To learn more about it, visit


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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Competition Weighs On T-Mobile USA: Q2 Sales Down To $4.9B, Customer Figures ?Continue To Present Challenge?

TMO_logoWith parent company Deutsche Telekom posting its quarterly earnings today, T-Mobile USA has reported its Q2 operating results. Despite moves it is making to ramp up its network and handset lineup to compete with the bigger boys, T-Mobile -- the only big U.S. carrier yet to offer the iPhone -- saw revenues decline by 3.3% to $4.883 billion, down from $5.034 billion a year ago, and down from $5.050 in Q1. Meanwhile, T-Mobile USA branded customers now stand at 26.595 million, compared to 27.808 in the same quarter a year ago, a decline of 4% (including MVNO and M2M, the numbers still went down to 33.168 million from 33.585 million). Net income was also down, to $207 million from $212 million the year before. And despite the fact that the AT&T deal to buy T-Mobile got ditched in December 2011, the operator is still recording items on its balance sheet related to it.


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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Conference: Emerging markets shape international business | news ...

The Center for Emerging Markets hosted a one-day international conference on ??Emerging-market Multinationals. The event was organized by Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Professor of International Business & Strategy, and Ravi Ramartui, Professor of International Business and Strategy and Director of the Center for Emerging Markets. Photo by Mary Knox Merrill.

Inter?na?tional busi?ness has grown up in the west and today?s the?o?ries about how a multi?na?tional com?pany should func?tion are based on exam?ples of Amer?ican and Euro?pean enter?prises. But com?pa?nies cre?ated in emerging mar?kets such as China, India and Brazil don?t tend to follow the same patterns.

?As long as these other coun?tries were not impor?tant, that was fine,? said Ravi Rama?murti, Dis?tin?guished Pro?fessor of Inter?na?tional Busi?ness and Strategy at North?eastern Uni?ver?sity. ?But they are now the engines of the global economy, so we need to pay atten?tion to?them.?

To delve deeper into the topic, Rama?murti and Alvaro Cuervo-??Cazurra, an asso?ciate pro?fessor of inter?na?tional busi?ness and strategy, orga?nized the third con?fer?ence on emerging market multi?na?tional enter?prises, or EMNEs. Northeastern?s Center for Emerging Mar?kets hosted the con?fer?ence, which took place on Sat?urday in Dodge Hall and drew approx?i?mately 70 aca?d?e?mics and 15 leading speakers from around the?world.

Ravi Ramartui, Pro?fessor of Inter?na?tional Busi?ness and Strategy and Director, Center for Emerging Mar?kets. Photo by Mary Knox?Merrill.

The group of speakers included Sam Park, pres?i?dent of the Skolkovo Insti?tute for Emerging Market Studies and chair pro?fessor of strategy at the Moscow School of Man?age?ment Skolkovo; Klaus E. Meyer, pro?fessor of strategy and inter?na?tional busi?ness at China Europe Inter?na?tional Busi?ness School; and Torben Ped?ersen, pro?fessor of inter?na?tional busi?ness at the Copen?hagen Busi?ness?School.

In his opening remarks, Hugh Courtney, dean of the Col?lege of Busi?ness Admin?is?tra?tion, lauded the accom?plished scholars. ?We are excited to have this con?fer?ence because emerging mar?kets are a core of our strategy at the Col?lege of Busi?ness Admin?is?tra?tion,? he?said.

While Rama?murti and a handful of others in the field have been focused on EMNEs for more than a decade, the larger inter?na?tional busi?ness research com?mu?nity has focused on the issue more recently. But as more and more emerging mar?kets defy pro?scrip?tive expec?ta?tions, estab?lishing suc?cessful multi?na?tional busi?ness in non?tra?di?tional ways, a growing group of researchers is starting to rec?og?nize the value of the conversation.

The con?fer?ence con?sisted of four panel dis?cus?sions designed to spur debate among the atten?dees. ?You?ll notice we have no paper pre?sen?ta?tions today, only panels,? said Cuervo-??Cazurra. ?We don?t want to close the dis?cus?sion, we want to open discussions.?

The first panel dis?cus?sion focused on the evo?lu?tion of EMNE lit?er?a?ture and fea?tured two scholars from Tel-??Aviv Uni?ver?sity and MIT, who have been piv?otal in estab?lishing tra?di?tional?theory.

The second and third panel dis?cus?sions explored the var?ious ways that EMNEs are playing catch up in order to suc?cess?fully com?pete in a field of well-??established multi?na?tional com?pa?nies and exam?ined the impor?tance of a company?s country of?origin.

The fourth panel dis?cus?sion opened up the debate over whether cur?rent theory is already uni?versal and can be readily applied to?EMNEs.

In con?cluding remarks, Rama?murti said, ?It?s not just whether existing theory is right or wrong, but which parts of it apply to EMNEs and which parts?don?t.?

He noted that researchers should delib?er?ately search for areas in which existing theory does not hold up, try to under?stand why, and then develop new the?o?ries to fill the?gaps.

The first EMNE con?fer?ence, held in con?junc?tion with the Wharton Busi?ness School in 2007, spawned the pub?li?ca?tion of the book, ??Emerging Multi?na?tionals in Emerging Mar?kets,? which was pub?lished by Cam?bridge Uni?ver?sity Press in 2009. The authors, who include Rama?murti and other leading scholars, have com?pleted a second pub?li?ca?tion, which sum?ma?rizes the dis?cus?sions of the second conference.


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Romney?s Visit to Poland: A Postscript (Powerlineblog)

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Why the Bible ? Outlaw Gay Marriage - Borderless News and Views

Let me start by saying that I think it?s okay if you don?t like gay relationships.

It would bother me to know that you have a problem with them, but there?s nothing I can do about your opinion in that case. Some people are uncomfortable with the concept, and that?s okay. I don?t know what kind of upbringing you had or what kind of culture you?re part of,? but if gays just aren?t your thing, that?s perfectly fine with me.

What does bother me is when someone tries to stop gay people from getting married because of their opinion.

When someone?s rights become infringed upon because of another?s opinion of them, it?s not okay with me. When a certain group of people becomes a?political?issue because someone else is uncomfortable with their sexual orientation, that?s not okay with me either.

And when one uses religion as their reasoning for outlawing gay marriage, it?s most definitely not okay.

The bible states that ?Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.? (Leviticus?18:22)

In another version,?it?s??Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman;?that is detestable.?

Christianity spells it out as clear as day: homosexuality is a sin. And everything in the bible must be believed, because the word of God cannot be denied, correct?

Well, do you like shrimp? Do you never coordinate your outfits based on their material? Ladies, do you never take two birds to your priest to sacrifice a week after your period?

These are all mandates in the bible. Eating shellfish is an abomination (Leviticus?11:9). Wearing clothing of two different materials is a sin (Leviticus?19:19). Women are unclean during their periods, and must sacrifice two birds to their priest to become clean again (Leviticus?15:28).

Well, that?s absurd! Everyone knows that the times have changed. People have changed, customs have become outdated. So you simply disregard commandments that have become irrelevant, correct?

Well, who is a mere mortal to decide what is irrelevant and what isn?t? No one can play God. No one can decide for themselves what teachings to follow and which to ignore, can they?

You must admit that to some extent, personal opinion is injected into the situation. Personal beliefs are affecting the interpretation of the holy book. People pick and choose what?they?want, and defy what they don?t.

So using the bible, or any holy book, as a reason for hating gay marriage is simply not valid. Because if one doesn?t support their holy book in its entirety, they are using their religion to fuel what they personally believe as wrong or right.

Even if you do support the bible?s views on homosexuality, this bears a reminder: the United States?is not a theocracy.? Just because someone?s religion states that something is wrong doesn?t mean that the government has to support and follow along in their particular beliefs. Religious freedom exists, but does not mean that Christianity, or any other religion, immediately dictates our governing system.? So the appropriate response to ?homosexuality is a sin? is, ?what does that have to do with my government??

Please trust me; I am not trying to insult Christianity. I do not believe that certain religions are ignorant or hateful. I just cannot condone the usage of certain isolated sections of any religion to support political views.

Allowing gays to marry is in no way affecting straight people?s current or future marriages. By not allowing gays to marry, they are denied many of the the rights that you take for?granted. They cannot have special visitation rights to each other in the hospital because they have no legal connection to one another. They cannot get tax breaks or marriage benefits because they cannot marry. They cannot receive any family benefits or legal?privileges?because as far as the law is concerned, they have no connection to each other.

Is it really that big of a deal that gay people get all of these things? Why are people so determined to keep marriage between a man and a woman that they are ready to make an entire community second-class citizens?

I know it?s easy to support ?traditional families? or the bible?s view on marriage. But there is a lot of weight to statements like these. There are a lot of implications that come with these words. And there are a lot of people who suffer due to laws that stem from these words.

Samantha Faye?is an Indian-American teen who constantly looks for new venues to share the ramblings of her curious mind. She constantly questions society and hopes to make a positive difference in the world. Burdened by the hectic lifestyle of a youth attempting to successfully reach adulthood in one piece, she often turns to the release of reading and writing fictional stories. She aspires to publish a novel one day, but for now she resorts to posting her random thoughts on her blog.

Related posts:

  1. Gay Marriage: A Rite That Should Be a Right
  2. Obama, Gay Marriage, Hey!
  3. Gay Marriage and Klondike Bars


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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Romney says Obama favors 'culture of dependency'

FILE - In this July 16, 2012 file photo, President Barack Obama campaign at the Cincinnati Music Hall in Cincinnati. Barack Obama's backers roll out a new ad assailing Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital, while the Republican candidate seeks to paint the Democrat as a big-government liberal. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

FILE - In this July 16, 2012 file photo, President Barack Obama campaign at the Cincinnati Music Hall in Cincinnati. Barack Obama's backers roll out a new ad assailing Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital, while the Republican candidate seeks to paint the Democrat as a big-government liberal. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

This photo taken Aug. 7, 2012 shows Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney campaigning in Elk Grove Village, Ill. Barack Obama's backers roll out a new ad assailing Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital, while the Republican candidate seeks to paint the Democrat as a big-government liberal. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? Republican Mitt Romney accused President Barack Obama on Tuesday of ditching a long-standing work requirement for welfare recipients, accusing him of fostering a "culture of dependency" and backing up the charge with a new television commercial.

White House press secretary Jay Carney said the allegations were "blatantly dishonest ... hypocrisy knows no bounds." He added that Romney, while serving as Massachusetts governor, had once petitioned the White House to loosen employment rules for those on welfare.

Romney made his accusation in a relatively rare occurrence in the race for the White House ? an appearance before voters outside the small group of battleground states likely to settle the Nov. 6 election.

Illinois and its 20 electoral votes are politically safe territory for Obama in the fall. Romney was there for a fundraiser as well as a stop at a manufacturing company, part of the intense competition between the two candidates to stockpile cash for the stretch run to Election Day.

The president had a pair of fundraisers on his campaign schedule for the day, both within a few blocks of the White House.

In a race as close as this one, the taunts were getting personal.

Romney, interviewed on Fox News, said Obama was "saying things that are not accurate" when it comes to taxes. He referred to a crack the president made on Monday night as "Obama-loney," rhyming it with baloney.

At a fundraiser, Obama called Romney's tax plan Robin Hood in reverse ? "Romney Hood" ? and repeated his accusation that it would mean tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans while forcing the middle class to pay the IRS as much as $2,000 more a year.

The president wants to extend tax breaks due to expire at all income levels, except above $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for a couple. He has made his proposal central to a pitch to middle- and working-class voters as he seeks a second term with unemployment at 8.3 percent.

Romney wants to keep the tax cuts in place at all income levels, and has proposed an additional 20 percent reduction in rates.

Romney's decision to introduce the welfare issue into the campaign seemed aimed at blue-collar, white working-class voters in a weak economy, and suggested that Obama might be gaining ground politically with his position on taxes.

It also marked an attempt to take the gloss off the recent announcement that former President Bill Clinton will have a prime-time speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. early next month.

Appearing before hundreds of supporters at a manufacturing plant near Chicago, Obama's hometown, the Republican challenger said bipartisan legislation signed into law by Clinton in 1996 "reformed welfare to encourage people to work. They did not want a culture of dependency to continue to grow in our country," he said of the then-president and Congress, which was under Republican control at the time.

He said that, just recently, Obama "has tried to reverse that accomplishment by taking the work requirement out of welfare. That is wrong, and If I'm president, I'll put work back in welfare. ...We will end a culture of dependency and restore a culture of good, hard work," he said.

Romney's new ad buttressed the point.

"Under Obama's plan you wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job. They just send you a welfare check, and welfare to work goes back to being plan old welfare," the announcer says in the commercial.

"Mitt Romney will restore the work requirement."

Under the law signed by Clinton and amended a decade later, the federal government does not provide a guaranteed benefit to welfare recipients. Instead, the states receive federal funds and are permitted to establish a variety of programs to benefit the poor. The government imposes a limit on the length of time families can receive aid and requires recipients eventually to go to work.

The Romney campaign circulated material during the day that quoted Obama, then a state senator in Illinois, as saying he "probably would have voted against it" if he had been in Congress.

The Obama administration recently announced plans to issue waivers to states that wanted "to test alternative and innovative strategies, policies and procedures" to improve employment among needy families. It said it was acting after receiving requests from some of the nation's governors, including Republicans in Utah and Nevada. But senior GOP lawmakers attacked the move as an attempt to undermine the welfare-to-work requirements in effect for more than a decade.

Officials with access to detailed advertising information said it appeared the commercial was airing at heavy levels in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia ? states where the race is closest.

Romney was himself targeted with a new ad during the day, this one launched by Priorities USA Action, a super PAC that supports Obama.

It features a former Kansas City steelworker who says his company was taken over in 1993 by a group that included Bain Capital, the private equity firm co-founded by Romney.

"When Mitt Romney and Bain closed the plant, I lost my health care, and my family lost their health care," he said. His wife became ill, but "I think maybe she didn't say anything because she knew we couldn't afford the insurance," he says. By the time she went to the hospital, she was diagnosed with cancer and died quickly, he said.

"I do not think Mitt Romney realizes what he's done to anyone, and furthermore I do not think Mitt Romney is concerned."

In response, Ryan Williams, a spokesman for Romney, said Obama's allies "continue to use discredited and dishonest attacks in a contemptible effort to conceal the administration's deplorable economic record."

Both parties were fleshing out the speaking schedule for their conventions.

Republicans said Romney's most persistent primary rival, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, would have a turn at the speaker's podium. So, too, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a tea party favorite.

Former President Jimmy Carter will tape a video message to be aired in prime time at the Democratic convention.


Thomas reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Julie Pace, Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Stephen Braun and Kasie Hunt in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Why do infants get sick so often? Cell signaling prevents growth of essential immune cells, study shows

ScienceDaily (Aug. 7, 2012) ? Researchers at the University of Michigan Health System are helping to quell parents' worry about why infants seem to get sick so often.

It's been believed that, like walking and talking, fighting viral infections is something children will develop when they get older. But a U-M study suggests the natural ability to fight infection is there early on.

Scientists learned key cell signals inhibit the growth of essential immune cells early in life. Blocking this signaling could lead to improving an infant's response to infection, according to the study published online ahead of print in Nature Immunity.

"What happens at early age is that natural killer cells, like many other immune cells, do not complete their functional maturation until adulthood," says study senior author Yasmina Laouar, Ph.D., assistant professor in the U-M Department of Microbiology and Immunology.

"During this time we are left with an immature immune system that cannot protect us against infections, the reason why newborns and infants are more prone to infection," she says.

There is a large gap in understanding infant immunity, specifically why the natural killer cell responses are deficient. The study by immunologists at the U-M demonstrates the role of a cell called transforming growth factor beta that can explain why.

The study showed the production of natural killer cells is controlled by TGF-?, which is produced in the bone marrow. In infant mice, the maturation of natural killer cells progressed faster in the absence of TGF-? signaling.

By adulthood, mice had 10 times more mature natural killer cells if TGF-? signaling was blocked.

"Our overall goal was to determine the factors that constraint the production and maturation of natural killer cells early in life," says Laouar. "To our surprise, we discovered that natural killer cells can complete maturation as early as 10 days of age if TGF-? signaling is blocked."

Authors say it's tempting to propose the functional inactivation TGF-? signaling as a strategy to reverse the deficit of natural killer cells early in life. Additional testing will be required.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Michigan Health System.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jeffrey P Marcoe, James R Lim, Keri L Schaubert, Nassima Fodil-Cornu, Marsel Matka, Alexandra L McCubbrey, Alexander R Farr, Silvia M Vidal, Yasmina Laouar. TGF-? is responsible for NK cell immaturity during ontogeny and increased susceptibility to infection during mouse infancy. Nature Immunology, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/ni.2388

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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After Hospitalization, Patients Without Health Insurance Are Less ...

By Makini Brice | August 06, 2012

Health insurance is good to have, if one can afford it, so that a person does not suddenly need an appendectomy and receives a $100,000 hospital bill with no clear idea on how to pay it. However, the benefits of health insurance are not just fiscal ? health insurance also has benefits for a person?s health. A recent study conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that people with health insurance were more likely to recover than people with substandard health insurance or without it altogether.

Researchers had previously thought that race was a huge indicator of whether a person would survive after hospitalization. Indeed, African Americans living in low-income, urban neighborhoods have a high burden of hospitalization and early death. However, researchers were uncertain as to the link that they were seeing was correlative with race or with health insurance. Derek Ng, from Johns Hopkins University?s Bloomberg School of Public Health, and his team sought to find out.

Ng and his colleagues looked at the admission records of three Maryland hospitals over the years 1997 to 2003. All three hospitals had different demographics, collected from hospitals? own analysis. The study divided patients into three groups: those with private health insurance, those with state health insurance, and those with no health insurance. Of the data researchers analyzed, 4,908 patients were diagnosed with heart attacks, 6,759 with clogged or hardened arteries, and 1,293 with stroke. Patients? income was assessed through Census records. Patient outcomes were assessed with the Social Security Death Master File.

In all three diagnoses, when adjusted for race, age, disease severity, and average neighborhood income, health insurance was the biggest indicator of whether or not a person would recover after hospital admission. Those without health insurance or with insufficient health insurance were 31 percent less likely to survive after a heart attack and 50 percent less likely after a diagnosis of clogged or hardened arteries. Across racial lines, survival rates were about equal after suffering from a heart attack or stroke, and black people were in fact slightly more likely to recover from hardened or clogged arteries.

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President Obama made health care reform a key target of his first term of office. The Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, modeled after former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney?s plan. In June of this year, the Supreme Court upheld the contentious individual mandate, but did not require that states joined the Medicaid expansion. Recent estimates by the Congressional Budget Office say that the Medicaid expansion would be disastrous for states that choose to join it.

Ng?s study was published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Matt Lauer To Meredith Vieira: 'Don't Be An Indian Giver' (VIDEO)

Matt Lauer jokingly called Meredith Vieira an "Indian giver" on Monday's "Today."

Vieira had just wrapped up a segment on her interview with Stella McCartney, and was giving the co-hosts some women's underwear by the fashion designer. "Well, Matt had these on earlier, but here," she joked, handing him a pair.

The two traded some jabs, with Lauer saying, "We're used to this. For five years, Meredith came to the show every morning carrying her underpants."

Later, Vieira tried to take the panties back. "No, no, no," Lauer said. "They're mine, don't be an Indian giver."

(h/t Jezebel)

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Prompting for windows credentials when a user clicks on "open in Excel" from Excel web access OOTB web part?

I have set up a Secure Store ID (using a service account) for all excel reports and they are showing up fine for all users.

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Doubling Down on Differentiation - The Distributed Marketing Blog

?Recently, the expression ?doubling down? has become part of the tech world?s nomenclature.

?I think you?ll be pleased where we?re taking Siri. We?re doubling down on it.?

? Tim Cook, Apple CEO, speaking at the D10 conference in May 2012.

He also remarked that they are going to ?doubling down on secrecy? too, indicating that there are loose lips at work at Apple. Later during the same conference, Skype?s CEO Tony Bates stated:

?I?m not going to talk about future products, but I?ll steal a line from Tim Cook. We?re going to double-down on integration with Windows 8, and we?re going to double-down on secrecy.?

And there is our esteemed President, Mr. Barak Obama, who has obviously been rubbing shoulders with Al Gore and the nerd-do-wells of Silicon Valley, in his third State of The Union speech also used the expression,?twice:

?It?s time to end the taxpayer giveaways to an industry that rarely has been more profitable, and double-down on a clean energy industry that never has been more promising.?

Then he said this about education:

?At a time when other countries are doubling down on education, tight budgets have forced states to lay off thousands of teachers.?

KFC Double Down Chicken Sandwich

In addition to a great name for a KFC breadless chicken sandwich, I think the expression is an excellent metaphor for strategic planning.? It definitely works in the context of??doubling down on differentiation?.? Apple has demonstrated that differentiation is a growth strategy and it enables them to charge a premium for innovative products that consistently deliver a superiorcustomer experience. Along the same lines, in their research report,?The Customer Decision Journey,?Forrester developed Experience-Based Differentiation, which they define as:?

A systematic approach to interacting with customers that consistently builds loyalty.[1]

By consistently delivering a superior customer experience Apple is being rewarded by ever-increasing customer loyalty.

In the book,?Dealing with Darwin,?Geoffrey Moore?eloquently stated:

?the antidote to commoditization is differentiation that leads to customer preference.? Innovation that creates that kind of differentiation is the goal.[2]?


?How Can an Insurance Company or Insurance Broker Differentiate?

One way to differentiate is by taking a page out of the Apple playbook by ?doubling down? on the customer experience. For most of my career I have been working with or for companies (insurance companies and broker/TPAs) competing in one of the most tightly contested industry categories: insurance.? With few exceptions (i.e. USAA[3]), research by Accenture indicates that not a lot of progress has been made by insurance industry players towards delivering a ?differentiated and exceptional customer experience? despite the fact that 62% of insurance executives view this as critical in creating differentiation and growth[4].

The findings of a recent Accenture consumer survey neatly sum up the growth challenge faced by most insurers:

  • 26 percent?of customers say they have no loyalty to their insurance providers.
  • Up to 32 percent?say they are likely to stop doing business with at least one of their insurance providers ?in the next 12 months?.
  • 26 percent?would definitely shop around for better deals.
  • 75 percent?believe there is no significant difference in the products and services offered by insurance companies.[5]

I think it is fair to say that most insurance industry players do whatever it takes to at least match the competition, achieving a state of neutralization as opposed to a state of differentiation. More or less, the common approach is to ?sense? (know what your competitors are up to) and ?respond? (or react by at least matching them in kind). ?Over many years this leads to an industry creating a whole host of ?me too? players, at all levels of the industry food chain. Few insurance industry players actually create a sustainable competitive advantage. Cloning products is the norm. The result is: rampant commoditization across most lines of business, products and services.? In this context, there is less and less brand loyalty. According to a J.D. Powers April 2012 survey, while only one-fourth of auto insurance customers shopped for a new policy, 43 percent of those shoppers switched insurance providers?the highest rate since the study first began measuring retention in 2008, and an increase of 3 percentage points from 2011[6].

Why is that? The short answer is: it is difficult to complete an appropriate job of differentiation in such a highly transparent, regulated industry. The fact is, the insurance industry is so regulated that almost anything an insurance company tries to do needs to be actuarially justified and vetted (by up to 50 State Departments of Insurance). Then, once a product is approved, competitors can have their actuaries reverse engineer and create a similar variation of your product (if not develop a clone of the same product) and begin the filing process to get their version of your product approved.? There are also internal difficulties and struggles to foster innovation across product, service and distribution silos that exist in most insurance companies.? Innovation requires constant collaboration and tight coordination across multiple business units which is difficult to do within a large insurance company. A true commitment towards differentiation requires investment is capabilities such as: Research and development, product development, a marketing team to properly communicate and a sales force to sell it to the right target buyer.

The longer answer is: staying on top of a product or service category requires constant innovation as well as a continuous, unrelenting, Steve Jobs-like obsessiveness around creating a sustainable competitive advantage through differentiation.

Words like ?sizzle?, ?bells and whistles?, ?added features? and ?points of differentiation? are frequently used in many of these companies to describe the ?difference? that an insurer can create around a product or service. Typically, these efforts do not create?sustainabledifferentiation. Instead, these efforts usually amount to augmentation which has a limited shelf life.

As a case in point, when Drew Houston, one of the founders of the online storage service Drop Box (that lets the user sync their files to the cloud) finally met Steve Jobs he was taken aback when Mr. Jobs called his service a ?feature, not a product?. With all of the cloud-based storage solutions on the rise, Mr. Jobs encouraged Drop Box to ramp up their efforts at creating a more multi-functional file syncing service offering.

In her exceptionally well written book,?Different, Young Me Moon explains the dynamics that are indicative of the auto insurance industry?s competitive landscape:

?The more tightly contested the category, the more clustered the competition, which means:

(1) the more hyper-vigilant companies are going to be to the movements of those around them and

(2) the more poised they will be to respond in kind.

It really doesn?t take much to see how this kind of ongoing jockeying can quickly become all-consuming; when companies are fighting tooth and nail for every market share point, the relentlessness of this kind of competitive engagement can easily take on a life of its own.??[7]

The constant drum beat of hyper-competitive, ?sense and respond? in kind action, has resulted in a tendency to do what she calls ?meaningless differentiation? through product enhancement multiplication and/or augmentation. ?Just take a trip to the local pharmacy and have a look at the toothpaste aisle for a perfect example of meaningless differentiation. Instead of meaningless differentiation or focusing on treating your vulnerabilities, Young Me Moon suggests that you double down on your strengths[8].

Doubling Down on Your Strengths[9]

In addition to performing the usual SWOT analysis, developing a strategic plan that leverages your strengths, addresses your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, minimizes threats and exploits opportunities, you should circle back and ?double down? on your strengths. In the insurance business, doubling down on strengths usually includes an emphasis on critical people, processes and technology.

As an example, for a life insurer or third party administrator, the following could be 6 areas of strength where you might focus your doubling down efforts:

  1. People ? training and developing your sales people even more intensely to gain a high level of knowledge, skills and expertise about the insurance products and services that you offer. Use coaching, rewards and incentives along with a scorecard to measure and manage these performance improvement efforts.
  2. Process optimization ? achieving operational excellence through streamlined work flows, zero defects-based quality assurance initiatives and optimization of critical process cycle times.
  3. Customer Experience enhancement ? an independent survey by ClearAction[10], among business-to-business firms, found that 50% of top executives believe customer experience management is a competitive differentiator and influences major decision-making. Take a look at?Wisemuv?s?digital cross sell and upsell platform that includes a customize-able survey to help customers in the decision making process. ?This effort in experience improvement must include post purchase customer service advocacy protocols and service reps. showing compassion ? for customers in problem situations and their beneficiaries at claims time.
  4. IT movement towards Cloud-based and ?Everything as a Service? technologies ? to reduce costs and keep pace with the changing tech landscape.
  5. Adoption of interactive technologies ? intelligent adoption of new, interactive technologies to connect and interact with mobile customers anywhere, anytime. 76% of life insurance executives said it was important or critical to develop mobile capabilities over the next 3 years.
  6. Improve and expand data and analytics capabilities. Thirty-two percent of life insurance executives believe it is critical that their organization improve its analytics capability in the next three years. They have, on average, invested less than $30 million over the past three years?although 65 percent say this figure needs to be increased.

With a focus on whatever you identify as your strengths, it is important to then develop a series of proximate objectives[11]?around each of your strengths to ?double down? on them.

What a World of Difference a Difference Really Makes

In summary, doubling down on differentiation can provide the following strategic advantages:

  • Barriers against imitation so there is a lack of viable alternatives;
  • Stakes in the ground ? objectives, leadership direction, focus and resources (i.e. Apple?s focus on Siri);
  • Experienced-based differentiation that leads to customer and brand loyalty;
  • The best defense against commoditization; and
  • True Sustainability.

And one final note, the author of?Good Strategy/Bad Strategy[12],?Richard Rumelt makes a great point about the use of a wave of change to create a competitive advantage:

?Of course, an organization can shoot ahead of competitors by successful innovation or by re-inventing a whole industry. But, the most common path to success is not raw innovation, but skillfully riding a wave of change. Changes in technology, law, costs, and buyer tastes are normally beyond the control of any competitor, but they can be harnessed. Just as a good sailboat and a skillful captain can harness the wind to advantage, so can a leader use a wave of change to work ahead of competitors.?

In the strategic planning process a lot of attention is paid towards process of exploiting opportunities, addressing weaknesses, vulnerabilities and minimizing threats but in the final analysis, ?doubling down? on strengths might actually provide the most impact and help you skillfully ride the wave of change.

About the Author:

Bill Tyson, Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Marketing Plus, LLC. ? is an independent strategy and marketing consultancy firm based in Southern California.?Before starting out on his own, Bill was the EVP and COO of AMPAC Insurance Marketing of?WNC First, one of the leading ?marketing and program administrator organizations selling and administering a range of insurance programs on behalf of financial institutions. Bill has a 28-year track record of building multichannel marketing insurance businesses, domestically and internationally. He has held executive leadership in 2 of the Fortune Global 100 companies and another Fortune 500 company. His strengths are in developing and executing strategic initiatives, marketing, distribution and sales strategies; change leadership, business development, product and service innovations, benefits, risk management and leveraging Internet-based technologies. He is a versatile leader having served as CEO (current), EVP, CMO, COO and more than 22 years in Sales Executive leadership roles. He has particular subject matter expertise in Association Group, Voluntary Benefits, Commercial P&C, Professional Liability, Personal Lines, Affinity Group Marketing, Direct Marketing, High Limit Life Insurance, Accident and Health Underwriting and a variety of employer-based Group Insurance programs. He has a strong direct marketing background, business development, distribution, sales and multi-line insurance product familiarity.

Bill earned his Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Insurance and Risk and Business Law from Temple University. Contact him for a free consultation by visiting?his business web site at:?


[1]?The Customer Experience Journey ? Customer-Centric DNA Propels Firms Through Five Levels Of Maturity,?by Bruce D. Temkin with Steven Geller, Forrester Research, September 17, 2008.

[2]?Dealing with Darwin: How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution, by Geoffrey A. Moore, Penguin Books, New York, NY, published December 2005.

[3]?USAA Receives Top Honors for Customer Service, Loyalty,?May 01, 2012. For the 4th year in a row, USAA receives the 3rd?highest Net Promoter Score among insurers, 39% higher than the industry average.

[4]?Accenture?s Research Report: ?Customer-centricity?the key to differentiation and growth in the life insurance industry?, 2011.? Chart, p7.

[5]?Accenture?s Research Report:??Customer-centricity?the key to differentiation and growth in the life insurance industry?,?Accenture?s Research Report: ?Customer-centricity?the key to differentiation and growth in the life insurance industry?, 2011.? p 2.

[6]?J.D. Power and Associates Reports: A Growing Number of Shoppers Are Switching Auto Insurance Providers. April 29, 2012.

[7]?Youngme Moon (2010-03-31).?Different?(p. 37). Random House, Inc. Kindle Edition.


[9]?1st Annual ClearAction Business-to-Business Customer Experience Management Benchmarking Study, ClearAction, 2010.

[10]?A proximate objective ? names an accomplishment that an organization can reasonably be expected to achieve.? From?Good Strategy/Bad Strategy?by Richard Rumelt. Chapter 7. Crown Publishing Group. Publication date:?7/19/2011.


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