Friday, June 29, 2012

First-ever deep-space telescope to hunt dangerous asteroids

The private space telescope forms the heart of Project Sentinel, a deep-space mission being unveiled today in Mountain View, Calif., by a nonprofit group of scientists and explorers that advocates better space rock monitoring.

By Leonard David,?Associated Press / June 28, 2012

This image depicts the region of view of the B612 Foundation's planned Sentinel Space Telescope to monitor potentially dangerous asteroids.

B612 Foundation


The hunt is on. A group of scientists has banded together to build the world?s first privately funded deep-space telescope, to hunt for asteroids that could pose a major threat to Earth.

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The?private space telescope?forms the heart of Project Sentinel, a deep-space mission being unveiled today (June 28) in Mountain View, Calif., by the B612 Foundation, a nonprofit group of scientists and explorers that has long advocated the exploration of asteroids and better space rock monitoring.

Project Sentinel involves the development of a super-snooper telescope that would be placed in orbit around the sun. The goal, foundation officials say, is to create the first comprehensive dynamic map of our inner solar system.

That map would yield a lively look at the present and future locations and trajectories of?near-Earth asteroids, paving the way to protecting the Earth from future impacts and opening the solar system to future exploration. [Sentinel Space Telescope's Asteroid Mission (Pictures)]??

An asteroid sentinel in space

Ed Lu is B612 chairman and CEO, a former NASA astronaut who has flown on the space shuttle and Russia's Soyuz capsule and lived aboard the International Space Station.

"The reason we?re doing this is because we can!"Lu told

Private organizations can now carry out awe-inspiring and audacious projects that previously only governments could accomplish, Lu said.

"So it isn?t crazy to think of a large telescope being funded privately. In fact, historically, that has been the way large, private?telescopes here on Earth?have been funded. The exception here is that rather than being on the Earth, this one is orbiting the sun," Lu said.

A lot of work has gone into shaping Project Sentinel over the last year, Lu said. Akin to the architectural plans for a building, he said, a preliminary spacecraft and mission design is complete.

"This isn?t a viewgraph," Lu added."What we?ve built is the best technical team on this planet."

A firm fixed-price proposal to carry out Project Sentinel has been submitted by Ball Aerospace of Boulder, Colo., enabled in part by early infrared-detector work funded by B612.

No stranger to big space scopes, Ball Aerospace is the technical sparkplug behind such NASA-sponsored spacecraft as theplanet-hunting Kepler mission?and the infrared Spitzer Space Telescope.

Under a NASA Space Act Agreement signed with B612, the space agency will provide Deep Space Network communications and tracking as well as technical support.

Hunting asteroids for all mankind

Project Sentinel would complete its near-Earth object (NEO) survey work in 5.5 years.

"The line in the sand is for the spacecraft to find 90 percent of near-Earth objects larger than 140 meters [459 feet] in size. That translates into approximately a 100-megaton explosion should one hit the Earth," Lu said. "If we go as long as we think we?re going to go, we?re also going to find the vast majority of Tunguskas, too." [7 Strangest Asteroids in the Solar System]

The Tunguska River in remote Siberia was the site directly under a huge explosion in 1908, an air burst of a large meteoroid or comet fragment estimated to have flattened more than 80 million trees over 830 square miles (2,150 square kilometers).

According to B612, only about 10,000 of the more than half million asteroids ?larger than the?1908 Tunguska asteroidwhose orbits cross Earth?s orbit have been discovered and tracked.

Project Sentinel would find and road-map Earth-bound asteroids with sufficient warning time ? years to decades ? to enable deflection missions.

This all adds up to an awe-inspiring project for the global good, the B612 NEO team said.

Space telescope price tag

What?s the cost to build the Project Sentinel telescope?

"We can?t disclose the final price, but I can give you a ballpark of a few hundred million dollars. Which is, I think, a factor of several less than what NASA could do this for," Lu said.

To foot the bill for Project Sentinel, a worldwide fundraising campaign is being implemented, including outreach to citizens around the globe.

"Our constituency is everybody," said B612 spokeswoman Diane Murphy.

"If you think about it, what we are is a small capital campaign," Lu said. "At any given time in the United States, there?s probably a hundred fundraising campaigns larger than this ? for symphony halls, museums, performing arts centers."

Data pipeline set

As now forecast, Project Sentinel would be launched in 2016 aboard a?SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, Lu said. The spacecraft operations center is to be based at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Project Sentinel would require a gravity slingshot off Venus to enter solar orbit. Data relay would be carried out through the NASA Deep Space Network. Data analysis ? identification of NEO threats ? is to be handled through an existing data pipeline at the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Mass., and the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

"When you stand back from this, ? this is like the whole issue of mapping the U.S, and almost everything else that precedes real development and exploration," said former astronaut Rusty Schweickart, B612 chairman emeritus, who was the lunar module pilot on the Apollo 9 mission.

"The meta-view of what we?re doing ? is mapping the Earth, sun, the inner solar system ? the Earth Territory, if you will," Schweickart said. That, he said, would pave the way toward protecting the Earth from impacts and opening the solar system to exploration. ??

Legacy space systems

"An exciting aspect of Ball?s role on Sentinel is leveraging sophisticated technology developed under the Deep Impact, Spitzer, and Kepler missions for the B612 Foundation," said John Troeltzsch, the company?s Sentinel Program manager.

Troeltzsch told the aerospace firm will reuse deep-space elements the company helped pioneer. For the privately funded mission, that could include the science-downlink technology flown on Kepler and the cryogenic thermal-isolation system from the?Spitzer Space Telescope.

The Sentinel ground system will build on the system in daily use by the Kepler mission, which is supplied to Ball by the LASP at Colorado-Boulder.

"Ball has been working on the mission concept for a?NEO survey mission?like Sentinel since 2005. This has allowed us to refine and iterate the design to a state of maturity that supports a commercial offering to B612," Troeltzsch said. "Although there are challenges in front of us, like the development of the focal plane detectors, the overall system is based on proven, high-heritage systems."

Troeltzsch said it?s not every day you can have fun working on a powerful space telescope and help protect the planet at the same time.

?Sooner or later one of the NEOs that Sentinel will discover will end up on a?collision course with the Earth. I am sure that my kids and grandkids will appreciate the foresight B612 has shown in sponsoring this mission to help protect us all,? Troeltzsch concluded.

Leonard David has been reporting on the space industry for more than five decades. He is a winner of last year's National Space Club Press Award and former editor-in-chief of the National Space Society's Ad Astra and Space World magazines. He has written for since 1999.


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Interacting mutations promote diversity

Interacting mutations promote diversity [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Jun-2012
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Contact: Dr. Arne Traulsen

Frequency-dependent selection fosters the diversity of populations but does not always increase the average fitness of the population

This release is available in German.

Genetic diversity arises through the interplay of mutation, selection and genetic drift. In most scientific models, mutants have a fitness value which remains constant throughout. Based on this value, they compete with other types in the population and either die out or become established. However, evolutionary game theory considers constant fitness values to be a special case. It holds that the fitness of a mutation also depends on the frequency of the mutation. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Pln and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver developed a model to address the scenario of mutations being frequency-dependent but having random fitness parameters. The results demonstrate that the dynamics that arise in random mutants increase the genetic diversity within a population. Fitness, though, may even decline.

Population geneticists generally study mutations with constant fitness values. However, frequency-dependent selection is a recurrent theme in evolution: it enables the evolution of new species without geographical separation (sympatric speciation) or a relatively rapid change in the immune system of a population.

A mutation may be advantageous for low frequencies, for instance, but the fitness of the mutant decreases with rising frequency. A reverse trend in the fitness value is also conceivable. "Our computer model combines aspects of population genetics and evolutionary game theory in order to obtain a new perspective on genetic evolution," says Arne Traulsen from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology. Whereas mutations have a random yet fixed fitness value in many mathematical models, this new model also enables a change in random fitness values with the frequency of the different types.

The results of the simulations show that frequency-dependent selection leads to higher genetic diversity within a population of individuals even though diversity per se is not favoured. The interaction of different mutations and the emergence of new mutants support the development of dynamic diversity in the population. One mutant does not always need to replace all other mutations or the original population. "It is possible for different mutations to exist in parallel such that a new mutant does not to completely replace the residents," says Weini Huang, lead author of the study. What is particularly interesting is the fact that diversity in this model remains naturally limited.

Fitness, on the other hand, does not necessarily rise with frequency-dependent selection in contrast to constant selection. By way of example, a mutation may arise within cells which halts the production of substances that are passed on to other cells. This can initially be advantageous; however, if it reaches fixation, the average fitness of the cell population declines. Advantageous mutations can thereby be lost and deleterious ones become established.


Huang, Haubold, Hauert & Traulsen
Emergence of stable polymorphisms driven by evolutionary games between mutants
Nature Communications, June 26, 2012, DOI:10.1038/ncomms1930

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Interacting mutations promote diversity [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Jun-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Dr. Arne Traulsen

Frequency-dependent selection fosters the diversity of populations but does not always increase the average fitness of the population

This release is available in German.

Genetic diversity arises through the interplay of mutation, selection and genetic drift. In most scientific models, mutants have a fitness value which remains constant throughout. Based on this value, they compete with other types in the population and either die out or become established. However, evolutionary game theory considers constant fitness values to be a special case. It holds that the fitness of a mutation also depends on the frequency of the mutation. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Pln and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver developed a model to address the scenario of mutations being frequency-dependent but having random fitness parameters. The results demonstrate that the dynamics that arise in random mutants increase the genetic diversity within a population. Fitness, though, may even decline.

Population geneticists generally study mutations with constant fitness values. However, frequency-dependent selection is a recurrent theme in evolution: it enables the evolution of new species without geographical separation (sympatric speciation) or a relatively rapid change in the immune system of a population.

A mutation may be advantageous for low frequencies, for instance, but the fitness of the mutant decreases with rising frequency. A reverse trend in the fitness value is also conceivable. "Our computer model combines aspects of population genetics and evolutionary game theory in order to obtain a new perspective on genetic evolution," says Arne Traulsen from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology. Whereas mutations have a random yet fixed fitness value in many mathematical models, this new model also enables a change in random fitness values with the frequency of the different types.

The results of the simulations show that frequency-dependent selection leads to higher genetic diversity within a population of individuals even though diversity per se is not favoured. The interaction of different mutations and the emergence of new mutants support the development of dynamic diversity in the population. One mutant does not always need to replace all other mutations or the original population. "It is possible for different mutations to exist in parallel such that a new mutant does not to completely replace the residents," says Weini Huang, lead author of the study. What is particularly interesting is the fact that diversity in this model remains naturally limited.

Fitness, on the other hand, does not necessarily rise with frequency-dependent selection in contrast to constant selection. By way of example, a mutation may arise within cells which halts the production of substances that are passed on to other cells. This can initially be advantageous; however, if it reaches fixation, the average fitness of the cell population declines. Advantageous mutations can thereby be lost and deleterious ones become established.


Huang, Haubold, Hauert & Traulsen
Emergence of stable polymorphisms driven by evolutionary games between mutants
Nature Communications, June 26, 2012, DOI:10.1038/ncomms1930

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Whatever Happened to Google?s Android@Home? | TechCrunch

With just a few days to go before Google?s annual I/O developer conference kicks off on Wednesday, it?s time to take a look back at last year?s event. Besides announcing Ice Cream Sandwich, Google Music and a number of other new projects, one announcement that stood out from the slew of releases last year was Android@Home, Google?s entry into the home automation market. Google, at the time, said that it wanted to create a service that would turn your entire home into a network of Android accessories, with Android as ?the operating system for your home.? Since then, though, neither Google nor its partners have said anything about this initiative.

At last year?s I/O, Google said that it had partnered with LightingScience to launch Android-enabled LED light bulbs that your would be able to control from your Android phone or tablet. At the time, the company said we?d hear quite a bit more about this project in the coming months and even went as far as saying that they would debut by the end of the year. That obviously never happened.

In December, our own Jason Kincaid asked Google about the status of these ?magic Android light bulbs,? but the company declined to comment. LightingScience, it seems, has also banned all mention of Android@Home from its site (except maybe for a page about its ?Light Ages Distributor Program? that isn?t publicly accessible).

One aspect of Android@Home, Google?s Project Tungsten Android@Home media hub, however, reappeared in some rumors earlier this year. At that time, the Wall Street Journal reported that Google was testing a new ?home-oriented Google device? that was supposedly being developed by the Android team. The device sounded a lot like the media hub Google talked about at I/O last year.

There is at least a tiny shred of evidence then that there are at least some parts of the Android@Home project that haven?t fallen victim to Google?s ?spring cleaning? program just yet. Sadly, though, I/O launches have a tendency to just quietly disappear (remember PowerMeter from 2009?), so I don?t think we?ll see any Android-enabled light bulbs at Home Depot anytime soon. Hopefully Google will give us an update about the state of the project during I/O later this week (the conference is scheduled to run from Wednesday to Friday).

September 7, 1998


Google provides search and advertising services, which together aim to organize and monetize the world?s information. In addition to its dominant search engine, it offers a plethora of online tools and platforms including: Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Google+, the company?s extension into the social space. Most of its Web-based products are free, funded by Google?s highly integrated online advertising platforms AdWords and AdSense. Google promotes the idea that advertising should be highly targeted and relevant to users thus providing...

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Android is a software platform for mobile devices based on the Linux operating system and developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. It allows developers to write managed code in Java that utilizes Google-developed software libraries, but does not support programs developed in native code. The unveiling of the Android platform on 5 November 2007 was announced with the founding of the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 34 hardware, software and telecom companies devoted to advancing open standards...

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

10 great ideas from Micah Solomon's High-Tech, High Touch ...

{This is a guest article by hospitality writer/reviewer? Josiah Mackenzie.Thanks, Josiah! }

High-Tech, High-Touch Customer Service by business keynote speaker, customer service consultant, and bestselling author Micah Solomon is packed with good ideas ? here are ten of my favorites after reading it last week:

  1. ?Technology needs people?and a culture that supports those people?s best efforts.
  2. ?Expect things to go wrong. Plan for this eventuality, keeping the emotional needs of your customer central.
  3. ?A well-thought-out problem-resolution process starts by active ?harvesting? of complaints?by being eagerly open to receiving input.
  4. ?For masterful companies, providing something extra is the standard throughout the customer experience. These extras are always the things the more shortsighted among a company?s stakeholders want to cut first, but without them it?s almost impossible to differentiate your service.
  5. ?Nobody ever shouts out, ?Yeehaw?I just had an incredibly satisfactory customer service experience.? But if your service truly anticipates your customers? desires and wishes, your customers will be well on their way to feeling they can?t, or certainly don?t want to, live without you.
  6. ?Any business advantage you pride yourself on can be copied by a competitor?.The culture of your company is the exception to this rule. Strong company cultures are overwhelmingly knockoff resistant.
  7. ?Ritz-Carlton?s Three Stages of Service are: 1. Warm welcome 2. Anticipation of and compliance with guest needs 3. Fond farewell
  8. ?Restaurateur Danny Meyer: the two things people want from the hospitality experience are a sense of acknowledgment and, on returning, a sense of being remembered.
  9. ?Small Error + Slow Response Time = Colossal PR Disaster. The magnitude of a social media uproar increases disproportionately with the length of your response time.
  10. ?You need technologically savvy people supporting your social media customer service work, but the people actually helming the operation and responding to customers need to be the same ones who are expert at day-to-day customer service operations and are responsible for interacting with your customers.?

High-Tech, High-Touch Customer Service (cover) -click for free chapterAnd a bonus tidbit from Cornell?s Center for Hospitality Research: a 250-room hotel will have approximately 5,000 staff-guest interactions per day. As Micah says,? ?There?s no way someone in a leadership position can dictate every single one of those five thousand interactions. Rather, a leader?s only chance to get the preponderance of these interactions right is to develop a shared cultural understanding of what needs to be done?and why.?

The book is a great read for anyone looking to design and deliver better customer experiences with the help of technology. See the details here?.


?Micah Solomon conveys an up-to-the minute and deeply practical take on customer service, business success, and the twin importance of people and technology.? ?Steve Wozniak, Apple co-founder

Micah Solomon Customer Service Keynote Speaker headshot

Micah Solomon ? Author-Speaker-Strategist ? Customer Service ? Marketing ? Loyalty ? Leadership

High-Tech, High-Touch Customer Service (cover) -click for free chapter

See Micah in action ? including video and free resources ? at Or, click here for your own free chapter? of Micah?s new book,? High-Tech, High-Touch Customer Service (AMACOM Books) and Micah?s #1 bestseller, Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit: The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization

Micah Solomon Keynote speech (video)




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Internet Marketing and SEO in Jackson, NY | Business Marketing ...

Typically the most popular way for a person to find a website in Jackson, NY is by going through a search engine.?Google is the most popular, so it?s important to target their results much more than other search engines. Businesses that use internet marketing and SEO have a clear advantage over those that don?t. Right here are some incredible stats about search engines that you may not know:

  • 75% of Americans use search engines on a regular basis.
  • 56% of all Americans are using one every single day.
  • 40% of all search engine searches are for the nearest businesses and services.
  • 54% of Americans?frequently search on the internet instead of the phone book to locate near by services.
  • 92% of all neighborhood Jackson, NY searches will eventually convert into a sale.


The whole search engine industry used to be about very short ?keywords? that would lead people to finding the website that they were looking for. Everyone used to just type things like ?Jackson Real Estate? into a search engine, check out the first number of results then make a decision.

Businesses who fail to use internet marketing and SEO will have a difficult time getting new customers.

Nonetheless,?these times consumers are getting to be much better at searching with Google, so keywords have progressively become lengthier so as to return much more relevant results. For instance, instead of just ?Jackson Real Estate? which may give us some good websites for that keyword, we might be looking for something a little more specific.

Therefore, we might type ?Jackson Low Price Apartments?. The reason we would do that is because we?re fed up searching through websites that don?t offer us the chance to see any low price housing, so we?re searching using Google rather than simply clicking on various websites.

This sort of mentality has revitalized the world of small businesses online. Instead of just searching for a product or service,people now search for a niche product or service in a particular area. This means that, instead of huge chains dominating the search results, small business websites that use internet marketing and SEO?(even in Jackson) are flourishing.

Without it, you simply aren?t going to understand how to get your website found on the first page of Google when local consumers search for your product or service. The competition won?be that fierce considering you?ll be competing for more specific keywords, but you?ll still need to be able to be found by these Jackson consumers in order to succeed.

With more people moving towards local searches, you?re going to need to target your internet marketing?to specific keywords and areas. If you fail to do this, you?ll be competing with the key players within your industry nationally, and it?s a battle you almost certainly won?t win.

Find out just how we can help get you more leads, much more customers, and much more money in a headache free and easy to understand way. Call 518-595-3098 right now for a free consultation and online evaluation. Jackson, NY internet marketing and SEO services by?James W Sweeney.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Freitag F60 Joan ? Cycling Carryall

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Auto Insurance Is A Must Have Today | Queensland Car Convention

Auto insurance can seem so overwhelming. There can be so much to consider and to choose from. This article can help to demystify the subject and to help you find your way in the world of auto insurance. Once you know more about auto insurance, you will find that it is mostly, common sense.

Auto Insurance Quote

Be sure to get a new auto insurance quote every time you move to a less populated area. Since urban and suburban areas have higher incidences of accidents, the insurance rates for cars driven in more rural areas are significantly lower. In other words, you can save some serious cash by changing your address and requesting a new rate quote as soon as you move.

Mistakes do happen! Check your driving record with the Department of Motor Vehicles ? before you get an auto insurance quote! Make sure your driving record is accurate! You do not want to pay a premium higher than you have to ? based on someone else who got into trouble with a license number similar to your own! Take the time to make sure it is all correct!

Car Insurance Quote

Figure out how many miles you drive in a year before you get a car insurance quote. This is another large factor in auto insurance premiums, so you want to make sure the company has an accurate estimation of the amount of time you spend on the road. This could add up to big savings on your quote.

Get a car insurance quote before you purchase a new vehicle. One of the major factors in how much your policy will cost you is the kind of car that you own. The same brand of car with a different model can change your yearly rates by a thousand dollars. Make sure you know that you can afford the insurance before you leave with the car.

Look at your driving record before you get a car insurance quote. It may be inaccurate and contain old information that does not apply to your current situation. This can lead to elevated car insurance quotes and cost you a substantial amount of money. Make sure that your driving record has correct information.

Car Insurance Companies

If you?re planning to, or just got married, call your insurance company for a discount. Drivers who are married tend to drive more safely, especially if they have children in the car. Insurance companies often will give you a discount once you tie the knot, due to your better driving.

If you can afford it, try to pay your car insurance in full. By making monthly payments, interest will keep adding on, and in the long run, you will end up paying more. Some car insurance companies even give their customers a discount when they pay their car insurance in full.

If you can afford it, try to pay your car insurance in full. By making monthly payments, interest will keep adding on, and in the long run, you will end up paying more. Some car insurance companies even give their customers a discount when they pay their car insurance in full.

As was stated before, auto insurance doesn?t have to be an overwhelming subject. By heeding the advice and the knowledge contained in this article, you can make informed decisions about auto insurance. Auto insurance is not only mandatory, it can be a life saver on that fateful day, if an accident does occur.

Find out how important car insurance quote is prior to buying your car insurance and choosing where to buy it.

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Keep Dogs Safe and Secure during Fireworks Season | Best Friends ...

June 25th, 2012

The upcoming Fourth of July holiday week can be a difficult time for dogs afraid of loud noises. Fireworks can cause a dog to hide, bark excessively and even run away.

Because Independence?Day is a?peak time for lost dog reports, we asked our panel of professional trainers for advice on helping pets make it through the noisy celebration.?

Most importantly, they say, do NOT take your dog to a community fireworks display or backyard celebration that includes fireworks.? Even if your dog hasn?t been troubled by noise in the past, this could be the time that she runs off to escape the scary sounds.

Instead, they advise the following:

  • Create a den for your dog in a quiet area of your home ? an interior or lower level room where noise is muffled. Move his bed and favorite toys into the space for comfort.?A radio or TV can help mask outside sounds. It?s a good idea to condition your dog to the space for a few days before the fireworks.
  • Give him plenty of exercise that day. Get out for a long run, go to the dog park or send him to doggy day camp. A tired dog will be more relaxed andlessbothered by the bombs burstinginair.? He may even sleep through them!
  • Some dogs with mild to moderate anxiety are helped by stress-reducing devices like anxiety wraps, like the Thundershirt, or a DAP diffuser,which releases a calming pheromone.?
  • During the fireworks, distract your pet by playing a game or practicing obedience skills (be sure to reward him with favorite treats). Speak calmly and reassuringly, but don?t go overboard; you will make his anxiety worse if you seem anxious.
  • If you can?t be home with your pet, don?t leave him alone. Find someone to stay with him or take him to a boarding kennelthathasindoorrooms. Thecompanyof other dogs and the attention of caring humans can help distract and reassure him.

Noise phobias are common among dogs, say our experts, and include thunderstorms, emergency sirens and evans vacuum cleaners.? It is possible to de-sensitize a dog to loud sounds, but it needs to be done gradually over a period of time.? If your pet is severely troubled, get help from your veterinarian or a professional trainer

For more advice on dog behavior and training, visit the Best Friends Pet Care resource library.

?_ _ _ _

Our panel of experts for this blog:

? Kimberly Mandel, CPDT, a trainer and behaviorist with 15 years of experience, can be reached at Best Friends North Plainfield NJ Pet Care center;

?? Lauren Cannon, of Best Friends in Wakefield MA, an animal behaviorist with more than 12 years of experience, is the trainer.

? Jamie Ianello specializes in advanced training and aggression issues, and trains for Best Friends in White Plains NY, and

? Greg Boron, who has been training for 20 years, specializes in rehabilitating ?unadoptable? dogs. He is with Best Friends in Windsor, NJ.????????????

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Facebook's new 'Find Friends Nearby' feature: Creepy or clever?

23 hrs.

Facebook quietly added a new feature to its mobile?website and apps this weekend. It's called "Find Friends Nearby" and it ... well, it does exactly what you'd think it might.

TechCrunch's Ingrid Lunden was among the first to call attention to the new feature, after a developer tipped her off.

You can access?Find Friends Nearby either through the iOS or Android?Facebook apps ? just open up the main?menu, tap "Apps," select "Find Friends," press "Other Tools," and then pick "Find Friends Nearby"?? or by?heading to your mobile device.

Note that you'll have to authorize either the apps or your browser to access your current location. This doesn't mean that?you're allowing either to reveal your location all the time though. As soon as you leave the Find Friends Nearby page, you'll be off the radar once again. (This makes sense because it prevents people from stalking you?invisibly or from being stalked without actively choosing to announce their location.)

While you are on the Find Friends Nearby page?? it looks the same in the apps and in the browser ? you'll be able to find out who happens to be both near you and staring at that same page.

The feature is incredibly convenient if you happen to be chatting with someone in person and want to add him as a Facebook friend. Rather than tapping out his name and wasting minutes scrolling through a list of similarly named individuals, you can just ask your new pal to open up the Find Friends Nearby page and add him with a quick tap.

Opening up the Find My Friends page, while convenient, also exposes you to potential awkward or creepy moments. There is always a chance that someone you are avoiding or not interested in interacting with ?will happen to have the same page open?? and spot your name. He or she would instantly know that you are nearby and quickly view the public information on your Facebook profile.

So the final verdict? Find Friends Nearby is incredibly convenient, but?? like many similar tools ? not without potential for disaster.?

Want more tech news, silly puns, or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Locksmith Service Options | Home Improvement Design

Speaking about locksmith services, it could be a good idea to consider choosing Locksmith DC. The fact is locksmith services play an important role when it comes to maintaining an environment that is safe and secure. With their help, there is no need to fix a broken lock ourselves. Using a locksmith service is the best solution in which we can save both time and effort. The best part is, most locksmith services are available 24/7. They can also provide with us with new keys.

No matter what the problem you may encounter, locksmith services are ready to help you as they can provide a wide range of services from repairing locks, installing and fixing locks and also providing rekeys. Locksmith services serve both commercial and residential properties. The need of using locksmith services has become very crucial especially for businesses that require some additional security services. Speaking about security, there is no doubt that most organizations and companies want to get the highest level of security installed at their places. Business owners want to ensure that they can provide the highest level of security. We should know that monitoring customers, employees and even outsiders requires the highest level of security system installed. When it comes to this situation, Locksmith services will provide CCTV.

Aside from installing security systems for organizations and companies, locksmith services can also be very helpful for home owners. Take for example, when we accidentally break the car key, we won?t be able to get out of the car. During this situation, calling a locksmith service would be the best solution. It doesn?t matter where you live locksmith services are ready to help you. They provide 24/7 services in which we can call them anytime. Knowing about some benefits offered by locksmith services, it could be a good idea to start using their services whenever you deal with some of these situations. There are some choices available out there and one of them is Locksmith DC.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why Home Inspection Cost Varies and It's ... -

Every person, who is planning to buy a new house, will be apprehensive towards his new investment. When it is the matter of buying house, one has to think for home inspection costs. New Jersey is a place where Home Inspection costs are not certain. They fluctuate according to multiple factors. Here, we are going to all of them for the convenience of the buyers.

Home Inspection Costs varies:

Basically, Home Inspection is the first thing buyers should do. Home Inspection costs NJ completely depends on the buyers wish, type of inspection he wants. Usually, this cost starts from $75 and can exceed up to $400. You must be curious to know the reason behind such a huge difference.

Basically, the buyers who could not afford higher costs do not consider Home Inspection a priority. They even go for the cheapest home inspection. Usually, Licensed Home Inspection NJ is very costly and it takes a huge span of time too. These days home inspection cost is getting highly affected because of the vast competition in the market.

Factors behind the cost of home inspection:

Let's have a look at different factors behind the Home Inspection NJ.

  • Time taken for Inspection: The basic reason behind higher cost of inspection is the time taken for the inspection. Lesser the time lesser will be the cost.
  • Licensed or experienced Inspector: If you are approaching a licensed and experienced inspector for Home Inspection then definitely you have to pay a heavier bag of bucks.
  • Geographical location: It has been observed that geographical location also plays an important role in the home inspection prices NJ.
  • Market competition: These days to let down the competitor's business, many inspectors facilitate you with the same amenities at a lower cost.

Why it is important to conduct home inspection?

Next major question is why it is important to conduct home inspection NJ. As we all know for buying a house, one has to take loan of some amount. To slake the bank's expectation, buyer has to go for Home Inspection. This inspection ensures the bank that it is not investing in any bad property. Secondly, a person himself explores some hidden areas of house which he would not be aware previously. In a nutshell, home inspection clears the picture of all the corners of house and endows you with a detailed report for further use.

Impacts of higher costs of Home inspection:

Home inspection costs NJ sometimes goes beyond your wildest dream and becomes difficult to afford for some buyers. Therefore, they skip the inspection part and go for other solutions which could lead them in major troubles.


Home inspection costs could see higher to some of the buyers, therefore, they should first compare the rates of multiple home inspectors, try to convince them for affordable cost and then finally hire the most compatible person. This process will definitely help you and will enhance your experience of conducting Home inspection in NJ.

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Juror: Sandusky's lack of emotion was 'confirmation'

In an exclusive interview, juror Joshua Harper tells TODAY's Lester Holt that the decision to convict Jerry Sandusky hinged on the credibility of his accusers and the testimony of independent witnesses.

By NBC News and staff

A juror in the Jerry Sandusky trial said Saturday that the look on the former?Penn State football coach's face as the guilty verdicts were announced was "confirmation" that they had made the right decision.

Joshua Harper told TODAY that?Sandusky had shown "no real emotion, just kind of accepting because he knew it was true," he added.

Sandusky, 68, was convicted Friday of 45 counts of child sexual abuse and faces a minimum sentence of 60 years in prison, NBC News reported.

The former longtime defensive coordinator for the Penn State football team had denied all 48 counts alleging that he abused 10 boys over 15 years.

Investigations will continue in the Sandusky case related to how Penn State handled the case, and some officials are facing perjury charges. NBC's Michael Isikoff, Ron Allen, and Legal Analyst Wes Oliver join MSNBC's Ed Schultz to discuss the details of the case as well as community reaction to the verdict.

Two grand jury reports accused him of having used his connection to one of the nation's premier college football programs to "groom" the boys, whom he met through his Second Mile charity for troubled children.

Harper told TODAY that the jurors?"were on the same page" when they began their deliberations and had focused on "the facts and determining credibility."

MSNBC's Ed Schultz talks with Jeff Herman, an attorney who specializes in representing sexual abuse victims, about the difficulties the victims in the Sandusky case would have had in stepping forward with allegations.

He said the men who testified that they were abused appeared to be telling the truth.

"I think there were a couple that I felt [were] very credible. I mean, it's hard to judge character on the stand, because?you don't know these kids, but most were very credible, I would say all," Harper told TODAY.

Defense attorney Joe Amendola speaks outside the courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., after his client, Jerry Sandusky, was found guilty of sexually abusing children.

He added that the fact that they all told similar stories about Sandusky was "very convincing."

Harper said they had not convicted Sandusky of rape over the incident witnessed by former Penn State assistant Mike McQueary -- who said he had "no doubt" that Sandusky engaged in anal sex with a boy in a Penn State shower -- because McQueary "did not see any actual penetration."

Sandusky convicted of 45 counts, plans to appeal
Reaction to the Sandusky verdict

Analysis: Number of victims persuaded Sandusky jurors in 'he said, he said' case
Full coverage of the Jerry Sandusky trial

Ghosts of Sandusky's dreams haunt home where charity was born

"We did not have the evidence that that very?first charge happened," Harper said. "We were in agreement ...?that we could not convict him of that first count."

Sandusky was acquitted on two other counts as well -- one an indecent assault charge involving "Victim 6". The man testified that Sandusky had given him a bear hug in the shower but at one point he just "blacked out."

The other acquittal was an indecent assault charge related to "Victim 5", who said Sandusky fondled him in the shower.

The jury had worked "very well" together,?he added, discussing misgivings about some parts of the case and discussing "inconsistencies." "We were patient," he said.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Naked valkyries? Nudes open German opera season

Luca Teuchmann / Getty Images Contributor

Naked volunteers painted in red and gold pose for American photographer Spencer Tunick in scenes meant to illustrate the opera "Der Ring des Nibelungen" by Richard Wagner at Max-Joseph Platz in Munich, Germany, Saturday.

By Ian Johnston,

Naked volunteers painted in red and gold on Saturday recreated American photographer Spencer Tunick's interpretation of scenes from the Richard Wagner opera "Der Ring des Nibelungen."

The art installation, in Max-Joseph Platz, Munich, Germany, was held to mark the opening of the 2012 Munich summer opera season, according to information supplied with these photographs by Luca Teuchmann of Getty Images.

Tunick was invited to create the work by the Bavarian State Opera.

According to his website, Tunick has been documenting the "live nude figure in public" since 1992.

Luca Teuchmann / Getty Images Contributor

The Bavarian State Opera invited American photographer Spencer Tunick to create the photographs as part of the opening of the 2012 Munich summer opera season Saturday.

"Tunick's installations encompass dozens, hundreds or thousands of volunteers; and his photographs are record of these events," the website says.

"The individuals en masse, without their clothing, grouped together metamorphose into a new shape. The bodies extend into and upon the landscape, like a substance," it adds. "These grouped masses, which do no underscore sexuality, become abstractions that challenge or reconfigure one's views of nudity and privacy."

Luca Teuchmann / Getty Images Contributor

Naked volunteers form up in red and gold columns in Max-Joseph Platz Munich, Germany.

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Hot Real Estate Investment News This Week 2012-06-23

All the Real Estate News That?s Fit to RE-Print?

Welcome to our weekly edition of Hot Real Estate Investment News.

Here are the real estate investing related news items that caught our attention this past week. We hope they help you stay up-to-date with your real estate investment strategies and inspire some profitable real estate deals for you.

Let us know what you think by leaving your ?Comments? below.

The State of the Nation's Housing 2012

This study and report comes from the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard. The Executive Summary states in part:

?After several false starts, there is reason to believe that 2012 will mark the beginning of a true housing? market recovery. Sustained employment growth remains key, providing the stimulus for stronger household growth and bringing relief to some distressed homeowners.

Many rental markets have already turned the corner, giving a lift to multifamily construction but also eroding affordability for many low-income households.?

Download the entire report

CNNMoney?s Les Christie reports:

construction site

Highest new home permit rate since September 2008.

?Builders appear to be getting more bullish on residential real estate: In May, they applied for permits to build new homes at the highest rate since September 2008, according to a government report issued Tuesday.

The increase in permits to an annual rate of 780,000 in the Census Bureau report mirrors a recent survey of builder confidence, which rose in June to its highest level since 2007?.?

For more details also see: The U.S. Census Bureau Report and U.S. Department of HUD Joint Press Release.

S & P Housing Views reporter, Beth Ann Bovino, states:

?U.S. housing starts dropped by 4.8% to a 708,000 unit pace in May, which was much weaker than the 725,000 expected by consensus and our 720,000 forecast. However, it comes after April starts were upwardly revised to a 744,000 unit pace (was 717,000 units). March starts were also upwardly revised to 706,000 units from 699,000.?

Stan Humphries reports:

?Zillow?s May Real Estate Market Reports?.show that home values increased 0.5 percent to $148,100 from April to May, marking the third consecutive month of strong monthly appreciation. Compared to May 2011, home values are still down by 0.9 percent.?

Zillow Home Value Index

A small drop in the Atlantic?

U.S. Zillow Home Value Index

CNBC Real Estate Reporter, Diana Olick, states:

?A small but growing number of developers are now building single family homes as rentals. Historically, builders did this largely in low-income, government-subsidized housing projects, but the market is quite different today.

Single family rental demand is soaring, as are rents, and investors are rushing to cash in; if you can?t beat ?em, join ?em.?

DS News author Tory Barringer reports:

?While the lights of the housing market continue to flicker, rental market activity has been a bright spot, said Freddie Mac?s U.S. Economic and Housing Market Outlook for June?.newly formed households seem more interested in renting over owning as the economy struggles to get back on its feet.

Freddie Mac expects this trend to continue for the near future.

?Overall apartment market trends may show further vacancy declines and rent gains, with property values improving as well.??

RealtyTrac Vice President, Daren Blomquist, reports:

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REOs have decreased 40% in the last 18 months.

?Bank-owned (REO) inventory has decreased about 40 percent over the past in the past year and a half and continues to decrease despite a recent uptick in foreclosure starts.

More than 109,000 U.S. properties started the foreclosure process in May, a 12 percent increase from the previous month and a 16 percent increase from May 2011 ? the first annual increase in foreclosure starts since January 2010.

Still, REO Inventory continued to decline in May, down 5 percent from the previous month and down 31 percent from May 2011.

So where have all the REO homes gone?? Mr. Blomquist says, ?They are hiding beneath one of three probable shells?.?

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Friday, June 22, 2012

U.S. banking system strengthened by reform: White House

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'Girl Thing' science video: Not a good thing

This version of the controversial "Science: It's a Girl Thing" video was posted to YouTube after the European Commission's original version was rendered inaccessible.

By Alan Boyle

Doing smackdowns on stupid online videos could be a full-time job, so it's a good thing that so many other people are willing to take on the task. What's not a good thing is the video done up for the European Commission's Women in Research and Innovation initiative, which has high-heeled models glamming it up to tout science as a "girl thing."

Not that I'm against high-heeled models, but as a teaser to highlight women in science or get girls interested in science careers, it earns a strong thumbs-down. After weathering the bad reviews on the Web and Twitter for hours and hours, the European Commission shut down access to the video and tweeted, "OK, scientists, we heard you."

The campaign in general isn't a bad thing. This quote from the website hits the right tone:

"Want to save lives? Keen to find out what?s lurking in the nether regions of space, or in the deepest ocean trench? Passionate about the environment? Do something about it! The next great discovery could be yours, so come and take up the challenge.

"Did you know that girls do as well as boys in science and maths at school but many more boys go on to further study science, technology and engineering? So girls, remember: you?ve got what it takes.

"Science needs your ideas, your inspiration and your passion ? science needs YOU!"

It's just too bad that one video spoils the mood. Now I'm waiting for the parody video, "Science: It's a Guy Thing," which will have Chippendale male dancers strut their stuff while a bespectacled woman looks up from the microscope.

For a selection of the smackdowns, just sort through the Twitter tweets that include the #sciencegirlthing tag?? or, as a balancer, the #realwomenofscience tag. Both of those tags have risen to Twitter's list of top trenders. ?This Skepchick posting by my blogging colleague, Noisy Astronomer Nicole Gugliucci, provides a great survey of the pluses and the minuses. She includes this video that covers the positive side of the ledger. Like the awful teaser video, it's part of the "Science: It's a Girl Thing" video gallery.

This "Science: It's a Girl Thing" video focuses on University of Liege astronomer Yael Naz?.

Update for 2:15 p.m. ET: The tweets from European Commission spokesman Michael Jennings suggest that he thinks the campaign's evil plan is working: "Hope was to get young people onto site. That seems to be happening! ... Lots of comments on #sciencegirlthing vid. 45 seconds of fun for launch to grab attention. Not central to main campaign."

Update for 5:45 p.m. ET: The original teaser video has been taken down, but of course you can still find an archived version on YouTube. The website features a different teaser trailer, and the European Commission's communication department says this in a Twitter update: "OK, scientists, we've heard you and we want to keep hearing you. Help us build a list of #realwomeninscience:" That shortened Web address points to a list of Twitter accounts for female scientists. More than 100 women are on the list so far, and it's growing by the minute. Now, that's a good thing.

Update for 7:05 p.m. ET: Twitterers are tittering over tweets with the #scienceboything hashtag, but I'm still waiting for the "Science: It's a Guy Thing" video.

More about women in science:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's Facebook page, following @b0yle on Twitter and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.

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