Thursday, August 1, 2013

India wants peaceful relations with Pakistan

India Thursday extended an olive branch to its arch-rival Pakistan, saying it wants to develop "peaceful and cooperative relations" with the neighboring country, but in a "terror-free environment".
"It has always been India's policy to develop peaceful and cooperative relations with Pakistan. Naturally, this pre-supposes an environment free of violence and of terror," the newly appointed Indian External Affarirs Ministry Secretary Sujatha Singh told the media in the national capital.
India had suspended bilateral dialogue with Pakistan after the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, in which over 170 people were killed by 10 Pakistani militants who entered the country's financial capital through sea route from the port city of Karachi. However, the two countries resumed composite dialogue in 2011.
"Dialogue with Pakistan was resumed in 2011. Two rounds have been held since then and we will be picking up the threads. There is a new government in Pakistan now. We will be picking up the threads from where we left off with the old government," said the 59-year-old top diplomat, who took office for a fixed tenure of two years.
Singh, who was earlier Indian Ambassador to Germany and succeeded Ranjan Mathai, also spoke of her immediate priorities.
"My immediate priorities would be in our immediate neighborhood. That is where our immediate interest lies and that is where our most intent interactions are. Beyond that, it is important to strengthen relations with our strategic partners all over the world," she added.


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

China's ruling party tells officials to quit it with the Versailles-like construction

As part of the president?s anti-corruption drive, Xi Jinping is banning the construction of opulent state buildings.

By Peter Ford,?Staff Writer / July 26, 2013

A man walks toward a newly built government office building in Fuyang city in eastern China's Anhui province, April 6, 2007. China's leaders have banned the construction of government buildings for five years as another step in a frugality drive that aims to calm public anger at corruption.



Tourists seeking a shortcut to some of the great buildings of the world need look no further than Yingquan.

Skip to next paragraph Peter Ford

Beijing Bureau Chief

Peter Ford is The Christian Science Monitor?s Beijing Bureau Chief. He covers news and features throughout China and also makes reporting trips to Japan and the Korean peninsula.

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Yes, Yingquan, a spot on the map in southern China of which almost nobody has ever heard and which has nothing to recommend it to visitors ? except its municipal headquarters.

But what a headquarters! A grand flight of steps rises to a wide portico topped by a classical pediment (tick off the Pantheon in Rome.) On either side, above a towering colonnade, grey tiled mansard roofs stretch the length of the building (saves you going to the Palace of Versailles outside Paris.) And rising above it all, a dome that could have been lifted from the US Capitol.

Built in 2006 to the greater glory of the local Communist Party, this ostentatious piece of wedding cakery was the sort of thing the Chinese government had in mind this week when it banned the construction of any government building for the next five years.

The directive, the latest shot in President Xi Jinping?s frugality campaign, said that such buildings ? and there are many grandiose palaces in the most unimportant places ? have ?damaged the party and government spirit and affected the image of the party and government,? according to the official Xinhua news agency.

Chinese citizens have made no secret of their outrage at the waste of public money these mansions represent. Yingquan, for example, is a district of the city of Fuyang in Anhui Province, one of the poorest in China, where the average farmer?s income is less than $100 a month.

But that hasn?t stopped self-aggrandizing local officials from building themselves the most opulent of quarters. The city of Jinan, for example, capital of the eastern province of Shandong, boasts the largest government building in Asia, not much smaller than the Pentagon.

It cost $660 million, according to Xinhua.

The central government officials who issued the directive ? an unusual joint notice from the Communist Party Central Committee General Office and the State Council, the government top body ? are clearly wise to the tricks of their subordinates in the boondocks.

Not only are all new buildings banned, the instruction said, but neither can officials buy property, nor can they claim renovation or redevelopment as reasons to expand their offices.


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Monday, July 29, 2013

Verdict in Bradley Manning WikiLeaks case to be read on Tuesday

By Medina Roshan

(Reuters) - The verdict in the court-martial of Army Private First Class Bradley Manning, accused of the biggest leak of classified information in U.S. history, will be read on Tuesday, the presiding judge said on Monday.

Manning, who is accused of spilling secrets to the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy website, is charged with 21 criminal counts, the most serious of which, aiding the enemy, carries a life sentence.

Judge Colonel Denise Lind, who presided over Manning's court-martial in Fort Meade, Maryland and began deliberations on Friday, said she plans to read the verdict at 1 p.m. on Tuesday. The sentencing phase is slated to begin on Wednesday.

Manning's lawyers have maintained that he is a whistleblower, and not a traitor as the government claims. He wanted to provoke a broader debate on U.S. military and diplomatic policy out of concern for fellow Americans, the defense asserted.

Prosecutors said the 25-year-old intelligence analyst from Crescent, Oklahoma, aided the enemy by releasing more than 700,000 documents through WikiLeaks. They said the short, bespectacled Manning had betrayed the trust his nation put in him when he released documents on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Manning was arrested in May 2010 while serving in Iraq. He chose a trial by a military judge, rather than a panel of military jurors.

(Editing by Barbara Goldberg; Editing by Steve Orlofsky)


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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Don't blame Santa: Xbox and PlayStation supply probably won't meet demand ... again

Video games

2 hours ago

When it comes to shipping video game consoles to gamers on time, "I don't think the management of the supply chain is their core competency," R.W. Baird analyst Colin Sebastian told NBC News.


When it comes to shipping video game consoles to gamers on time, "I don't think the management of the supply chain is their core competency," R.W. Baird analyst Colin Sebastian told NBC News.

We've all heard the story: the long lines of Apple fans lining up outside the store, breathlessly awaiting that first chance to get their hands on the new iPhone. But when it comes to video game consoles, the throngs of die-hard gamers are all the more feverish simply because the wait has been longer, the anticipation higher.

Despite the fact that the video game industry is now on its eighth generation of console hardware, it still seems like every new release of an Xbox or PlayStation is, on some level, a disaster. Pre-order quotas are quickly maxed out, and impatient gamers turn to eBay or (God forbid) Craigslist to pay an extra premium just to get their gadget of choice in time for the holiday season.

Even the Wii U, which Nintendo itself has admitted isn't selling all that well, faced supply setbacks when it launched last year. And it doesn't look like things are shaping up to be any different for the $499 Xbox One or the $399 PlayStation 4 ? both consoles received record-breaking pre-orders, and the gaming press has already started warning of possible shortages after Robert W. Baird analyst Colin Sebastian predicted as much in an interview with GameSpot.

Judging by the excitement for the consoles, the demand is clearly there. So why is meeting it with a proper supply so tricky? Sebastian told NBC News that with all the moving parts that Sony and Microsoft have to coordinate in time for a tight holiday release window, things get, well, "complex."

"There's a lot of gyration in the supply chain," Sebastian said. "It's hard to get everything together at the same time."

What, exactly, is "gyration in the supply chain"?
Michael Pachter, an analyst at Wedbush Securities, explained. "The manufacturers have to plan production for two or three years out, so they tend to plan to make 10 (million) to 12 million consoles annually at the outset, and adjust upward or downward based on demand," Pachter told NBC News in an email. "They probably haven?t commenced manufacture yet, and will probably do so in mid-August ? notice we haven?t seen leaked pictures from the assembly line yet. That means around 1 million per month, and it takes time to ship to retail. We?ll probably get 2 ? 3 million of each globally at retail by year-end."

"If you think demand will exceed that figure, there will be a shortage," Pachter added. With major retailers like Best Buy, Amazon and GameStop vying for more launch units, "allocations are especially tough, because everyone wants as many as they can get."

Piers Harding-Rolls, head of games at economic research firm IHS Global Insight, agreed, adding that the international dimension of global launch only makes organizing the supply chain all the more difficult.

"All console companies aim to have a smooth launch with as few 'lumps' in the distribution chain as possible," Harding-Rolls wrote in an email to NBC News. "Distribution smoothness depends on a number of factors: amount of total inventory (how quickly factories can build products that don't fall apart), regional allocations (how many sales are expected across major sales territories) and sales channel negotiations (agreements with retail stores)."

When a product launches across multiple regions at the same time, he said, consumer electronics companies "are more likely to get 'lumpy' distribution which will lead to shortages within specific channels because it is a more complex go-to-market process." When a shortage occurs in one region or another, "the speed at which manufacturers can respond to squeezed supply depends on willingness to spend on quicker shipments and availability of additional product."

Jordan Selburn of IHS told NBC News that this kind of bottleneck dramatically hampered Sony's initial launch of the PlayStation 3 in 2006 because the console's Blu-ray was built with blue laser diodes, a "brand-new piece of tech that just ran into a shortage." This time around, however, Selburn says that the technology inside both of the next-gen systems isn't groundbreaking enough to make production as difficult or time-consuming.

"They're not encountering fundamental questions about: can it be built?" Selburn said of Sony and Microsoft. As a result, he thinks any real difference in initial sales will come down to how gamers react to software policies like Microsoft's controversial online requirements ? an issue that Selburn estimates gives Sony twice the demand for the PlayStation 4 than what Microsoft now has for the Xbox One.

The 'Apple effect'?
But that doesn't mean there won't still be impatient gamers this holiday season, Melissa Otto, an analyst at TIAA-CREF, told NBC News. While all the sound and fury about having to wait a few extra weeks for a console might frustrate the individual consumer, Otto said that, from a broader perspective, it's actually great marketing.

"I'm not sure it's something they struggle with," Otto said of console manufacturers supplying enough units. "I would argue that it's actually something they create. Whenever a new console cycle begins, these companies have a tendency to limit the supply to gauge the demand and create buzz. And then once the buzz starts and the momentum kicks up, the supply continues to be limited which magnifies the value of the actual product."

It's easy to see what Otto means. Neither Sony nor Microsoft would comment specifically about their current launch plans, but both companies told NBC News that demand for their respective consoles has been strong.

"Consumer reaction to PS4 has been phenomenal," a representative from Sony told NBC News in a statement. "We will try our best to meet all demand needs, but it?s very possible that demand will outstrip supply at launch." A spokesperson for Microsoft, meanwhile, wrote in an e-mailed statement that "we are pleased with the enthusiasm consumers have shown as Xbox One preorders are trending ahead of Xbox 360 during the same time period and have sold out at most major U.S. retailers."

Other analysts agreed with Otto's assessment that Sony and Microsoft might be aiming for what she called "the Apple effect" in their statements about demand outstripping supply. But Sebastian, who still estimates that Microsoft is better equipped to turn out as many as two times more Xbox One units than Sony is prepared to release of the PlayStation 4, said that the long life-cycle of these products has always made their launches a bit more bumbling.

"I don't think the management of the supply chain is their core competency," Sebastian said.

Yannick LeJacq is a contributing writer for NBC News who has also covered technology and games for Kill Screen, The Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic. You can follow him on Twitter at @YannickLeJacq and reach him by email at:


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Deal of the Day: LGE Community Credit Union Mortgage Interest Rates at 3.250% APR

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Choosing the right home loan is just as important as choosing the right house and right neighborhood ? it?s a long-term commitment that requires everything to be to a homeowner?s satisfaction. For those looking to live in Marietta, Ga., by choosing LGE Community Credit Union, mortgage interest rates will be low enough to keep that commitment affordable. The credit union currently offers a 15-year, fixed-rate mortgage at 3.250%.

LGE Community Credit Union Mortgage Interest Rates: Terms and Conditions

For its 15-year fixed-rate mortgage, the credit union will disperse loan amounts ranging from $75,000 to $417,000 to qualifying members. Fixed-rate mortgages, unlike their adjustable counterparts, do not change with market conditions; therefore, if a LGE member locks into this 3.250% rate in 2013, it will remain at 3.250% until the loan ends in 2028, no matter if interest rates increase. Members who qualify for this rate must have a good credit standing.

About LGE Community Credit Union

LGE Community Credit Union is recognized for providing full-service, federally insured banking to more than 100,000 people in northwest Georgia, with better rates and lower fees than those typically found in a national bank. The credit union, which offers a full array of financial products, serves all residents of Cobb, Paulding, Cherokee and Fulton counties.

Find LGE Community Credit Union mortgage interest rates and other competitive loans here.

Other Terms and Conditions may apply. Additionally, interest rates are based on the institution?s online published rates and may have changed since this offer was posted. Please contact the financial institution for the most recent rate updates and to review the terms of the offer.


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Sony Incar Pemburu Gadget Menegah ke Atas

Surabaya - Pasar gadget yang semakin meriah membuat Sony Indonesia ingin ikut andil memenuhi kebutuhan gadget kelas menengah ke atas. Untuk itulah, Sony Center ke-23 dibuka di Tunjungan Plaza 4.

Melalui analisa konsumen yang dilakukan Sony, diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan dalam pola kebutuhan dan minat antara konsumen yang berkunjung ke satu lokasi Sony Center lainnya.

"Kami analisa pasar, ternyata segmentasi pengunjung di Tunjungan Plaza 4 ini adalah middle up. Jadi gerai kami ini kami khususkan untuk gadget, seperti laptop, smartphone, serta produk digital imaging kamera, handycam, DSLR," terang Region Manager Sony Indonesia Wilayah Timur, Rashid Salim kepada Detikcom.

Rashid menerangkan, gerai baru ini memang menyeleksi produk Sony yang ada di dalamnya. Konsep baru yang digunakan dimaksudkan memberikan perbedaan dengan Sony Centre yang sebelumnya, dimana semua produk Sony masuk di dalamnya.

Sementara itu, menjelang lebaran, Rashid mengklaim bahwa produk TV milik mereka menjadi favorit masyarakat.

"Untuk menjelang lebaran ini, TV paling laku, kenaikannya 15-20 persen dari hari biasa dibanding produk-produk lain," tandas Rashid.



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